Eve Online Official Secret Santa thread!

Hi there, looks great. I wanna have a Rattlesnake.

I will have your gift on wednesday.

Wish I could gift Golden Ammo to you guysā€¦ CCP make this possible! :stuck_out_tongue:

(Just wanted to throw in that joke so donā€™t include me in the gift chain.)

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gift has been contracted to Neo Detonation

Wow thanks for the expensive ship lol.

Next gift goes to @gutles

well, my gift was just some planetary crapā€¦ hopefulle @gutles gets something more valuableā€¦

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You asked for a Gallente vehicle and that is what you received.

As my gift request, please contract me a loot box (a plastic wrap item of any value). I will pay 50 million for this plastic wrap loot box.

On it!!!
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Festivus

Contract Up to Pearl Abyss Diver

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contract will be up on saturday

want an Astarte

Bah,ā€¦ humbug! :angry:

Oh, good! The Christmas Trolls made it!!!

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Thank you most kindly for your gift. Unfortunately, I was only able to ā€˜gear upā€™ the Stabber Hunterā€™s Quiver SKIN. The RNG chance on enchanting clothes clothes and SKINs is quite abysmal.

I will accept all gifts of clothes and SKINs to grind up their stats via abyssal rolls.

Didnā€™t understand at first.

Confirming 50 mil received from Pearl Abyss Diver

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I donā€™t know whom to contract to: Dr Eichendorf or Abruzzi Oskold?

I have a contract ready I just donā€™t know who is playing or just trolling

Iā€˜m playing

Contract sent!

Really want an official solopwnmobile, carbine action, 200-shot, range model air rifle , with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time.

ya forgot to mention what ya hoping for ;o

received thx

@Insidious_Sainthood I contracted your gift

@ST0NER_SMURF will contract your gift up after DT

looking for a good gank ship

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your contract has been made, check them :wink:

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Received contract. Thank you!