It’s the 1st step to a life of a griefer or pirate.
Even Aiko’s training corp the holding hands what every sends their new player out MTU hunting .
Talking of zkill and the lack of in game tools. Was trying to remember a time before zkill and what we did for intel on a target but we had a war Dec system back then that functioned maybe that’s the difference
Nothing is more pathetic than mining.
Mining is the gaming equivalent of going to the gym just so you can invite a bunch of dudes to come to your home and bang your wife while you watch from a peephole in the closet while wearing a chastity cage.
You wrote that reply with speed and conviction like it was a familiar scenario
I love mining in my Venture.
Yeah, sounds like Destiny gets their workout frequently interrupted at the gym by unsolicited invitations from strangers.
I don’t care. Make me. What do I care who is ‘frustrated’ ? That is their problem.
Seriously, y’all have lost track of the fact that Eve is and always was a PvP game…and I’ll be damned if I fork out £25 a month to not have anything to show for it at the end of the day. And I very much doubt I am the only person who feels that way. I’m simply stating stuff a lot of people think but don’t have the balls to say due to the vultures circling overhead.
Pretty sure killboard-warrioring is actually a rather common and mainstream viewpoint, just maybe not from the 10 or so people left on the forums. It’s really not that brave to espouse it.
Eve wont die from too much mining, or too much ganking, or from annoying bugs nobody fixed in years. What Eve will die from…mark my words…is sheer lack of motivation to be bothered logging in, and from CCP thinking some boring PvE expansion will rescue the day.
People need motivators, and the joke of a ‘Combat’ recording system in-game is a de-motivator. That is true whether anyone likes it or not, or is ‘frustrated’ over anyone stating it.
Well, yes, but it’s only a possible demotivator for the 10% or so of the game’s population that actively seeks to engage in combat. The other 90% at best don’t care, or at worst actively hate anything and everything that has to do with PvP in any shape or form because they believe that the game shouldn’t have PvP at all.
Except only 29% of all my combined kills across chars are structures. Some of my chars have no structures at all.
Indeed…Eve has had 20 years to devolve to that situation. When I watched that 6 hour long video on Eve, and a number of others, it was very evident to me that there was far more PvP in the past…as CCP originally intended. The fact that people originally mined in combat ships was probably also a factor.
Then CCP introduced mining ships, and an entire career of watching Netflix while pretending to be ‘playing Eve’ was created.
Meanwhile, noobs join, entranced by the epic stories of long lost big battles…yay !..and they find a ‘Combat’ recording system that would have fitted in nicely when people were flying pterodactyls…and a dismaying apathy towards PvP. And even more bizarrely…almost a sort of hostility towards anyone who suggests fixing any of this.
You can’t fix a demographical shift.
Quite frankly I’m surprised that the game even has PvP still. Half a decade ago I predicted that we’d have no-shoot high-sec or maybe even a PvP toggle within two to three years, and I was wrong. Through god’s grace and warm embrace we still somehow maintain piracy as a game concept, and I’m afraid that asking for any form of even relatively minor concessions like integrated stat tracking would lead to so much blowback from the safety crowd that we’ll lose what little we have left in the process.
Well atleast her wife is happy
I have my doubts that if they removed piracy completely there would be much left for people to enjoy about Eve. The PvE itself is not something I imagine will keep a general audience’s interest forever, nor do I think it really instills a desire to revisit it after taking a break. A lot like using a cheat code. It’s fun for a little while but eventually it gets boring.
You’ll have something to worry about if they ever manage to make compelling PvE that can stand on its own.
How many killmails fail to generate anyway? Do they fail to generate where your individual contribution is actually significant or are they just a demotivator for people to pile into a system that’s already up to its eyeballs in TiDi? If it’s the latter, then I really couldn’t care less if it generates the mail or not or that it demotivates people from hopping onto an already overloaded node. The devs are already pushing the limits of what’s possible there for those battles to happen at all. If it’s the former, then that’s news to me.
I get them going back to regenerate kill mails for events that they deem significant enough to go through the effort for, and I get them not going to that effort for ones they don’t think meet that criteria. If the system chronically fails during normal circumstances, then sure, it needs work, but if it fails only sometimes under extraordinary circumstances, then I don’t think there’s a worthwhile benefit in proportion to the work that’d go into it.
Odd, there was a thread on Reddit about kind of the same thing.
The owners of that structure said they pulled it down last second and for some reason that animation is the same as dead fort that I recall.
The fun of bashes to me is when they care.
The structure is trash to some What comes to save it….there is the meat and potatoes.
Once again, only for a small percentage of the population. The vast majority of EVE players either doesn’t care for the presence of PvP, or, much more likely, consciously and intentionally wishes for it to be gone.
PvE-only players are already a very high turnover rate group. Dunking piracy out of the game wouldn’t change this, but it would decrease the amount of complaints by players in a way that would make them feel like things have improved. Yes, the game would become boring and objectively worse, but the people staying for 6 weeks before quitting forever wouldn’t notice a difference.
The adverts all show epic battles and…
’ I decide who lives or dies’…
’ I’m working towards a blingy red Paladin’…
’ I’m CEO of XYZ and we make warships for battles’…
yada yada yada…which is the Eve most people probably join for, before they get side-tracked into watching a mining laser for 8 hours a day and calling it ‘griefing’ if anyone does actually engage in PvP.
What’s also odd is that CCP say they want to encourage co-operation, corps, etc…yet their…ahem…cough…cough…‘Combat’ UI only records solo combat properly and doesn’t give a stuff about co-operative fleets.
C’mon CCP…you’ve had 20 years to fix this glaring inconsistency. Fix the basic cake rather than keep adding meaningless icing to it.
They’re not getting “side-tracked” by anything.
EVE’s marketing is a psychological trick to sell people the illusion of being something that they naturally aren’t.
“You can be a spaceship admiral!”
“Cool, I’m going to be a spaceship admiral!”
~downloads EVE, mines alone for 8 hours a day~
“I’m a spaceship admiral!”
“Faction Warfare” is a prime example of this mind trick, because it’s supposed to be the PvP feature in the game, but 98% of the participants are there to grind PvE income, with the remaining 2% wondering why each time they enter an EVE PvP battleground everyone scatters like roaches.