Eve players

Playing since 2008. Turn 46 in 2 months.

Hi, old-school Soviet here.

Can confirm through primary source accounts that we didn’t have any ill will or gave two rat shits about turning any of you into glass. All we wanted was some of that sweet, sweet Pepsi juice. In fact, we ended up trading like half of our navy away for that stuff. Also, people just went about their business every day, and didn’t instinctively throw themselves under the table every time an ambulance with the siren on drove by. So you can thank your government (at the time) for the instilled sense of paranoia. Of course, America created “the problem with no name,” so that’s par for the course.

What I’m trying to say is that your life was fine (what with the stable employment, ability to own a home two years after college, et cetera), and you’re just being a huge drama queen, which is supposed to be our job, so we’d appreciate it if you didn’t take that away that from our generation too. Although we’re willing to trade it for your guaranteed social security and pensions, if you’re interested.


I was 16 when JFK was assassinated. A lot of people were worried that it would start WWIII, it was a palpable fear on the street… I had a dream that night - that I woke up, opened my curtains, and saw a mushroom cloud over Birmingham (which was about 20 miles away). It’s an image which still haunts me now, over 50 years later.

Part of the reason the 60’s was so much fun was because the prevailing feeling amongst young people was “live to the full now, for you may not be here tomorrow” - a feeling I sense creeping back into the world of today…

oh no.

Been playing 12 years, age 63

49 years old and have never had a prostate exam.

These are a myth. Some people don’t realize it yet.

Not if you’re a boomer. Because of my job, I’ve been privy to quite a few pension documents, and these ■■■■■■■ are packing 7-figure funds and 6-figure annuities for mid-tier office worker drone jobs. And they’re getting full social security on top of that.

Boomers did a really good job of stacking the system in favor of themselves, at the expense of the next 2-3 generations.

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Yeah, I suppose the people who are already on the deal are doing pretty well. I wouldn’t count on the deal lasting much longer.

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I’ve read this is true!

Hidden History: When Pepsi Had a Navy.

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incorrect I’m 64

CCP published a video showing age demographics several years ago

This video ends the year I started playing. Maybe @CCP_Larrikin would be willing to bring it up to date.

As others have said, you can consume the PVE content a lot faster than the developers can create it - that’s true of most games. It’s the complexity of player interactions that makes Eve unique - politics, economics, military and market strategy. It’s kept me entertained for over 6 years - for the record, I was in my 60’s when I started.


Since Feb. 2009 here, a few weeks before Apocrypha (wormholes, tutorial). Passed the half-century mark a few years ago.

My two corpmates are both 2003 accounts, and only 1 occasionally plays now. That one recently offered me his idle titan BPOs.


If you need a courier for that, hit me up. I’ll be sure to deliver it with a smile. I’ll even put up one point five million collateral for the contract so you know I’m legit.

Removed 11 off topic posts.

The older the EVE player the less likely you’ll get a straight answer, if any answer at all.

Well, that depends.

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EVE-age or biological age ?