EvE progression system

I stopped reading your post halfway through because it’s just that badly structured and it was obvious rather fast that, OP, you do not understand EVE. Not even at the very basic level.

My recommendation?

  • Either try to understand the game and what the game is about (hint: it is not instant gratification)
  • or just accept that EVE simply does not cater to your playstyle and it’s not the right game for you.

Understand that this is how ccp makes money. And its for your own good.

This is what happens to people who buy big before they’ve learned anything. They lose their stuff and quit.

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I lol’d.
Man, i playing from 2008. I tried a lot of different ways. From CTA grunt to supercap industry.
And i talking about MY experience. I have tried bring many newbies here. And most of them leave it because of timewall.
They simpy didnt know what to do after they reach “starter” goals. BS with T2 fit that needed for CTA fleets need about 3-4 month of investing. Do tackle role become boring after few flights (i am talking about my friends that tried eve).

So the reason why they leave - too big timewall in progression.

I am totaly know about what is eve. And eve was never about skill points. So why we still have that SP wall?
You can allow newbie to fly ANY ship with ANY fit and this change nothing in Eve. But it will change a lot for this newbies.
They still will have progression line. Because thorax all5 is 3 times better than thorax all1.

And they do it RIGHT NOW :slight_smile:
Nothng will change at this point.
Always some people want to dominate with money. No matter what progression system we have.
Before SP injector they waste money at charBazzar.

But right now ccp gets money out of it.

And they would get it even w/o prereqs.
Because people that donate now just to fly ship will donate to fly ship effectivly.
Just look, you need same amount SP to get same stats with Thorax all5 with prereqs or without prereqs.
But without prereqs you can fly many ships that not allowed right now before 6 month of learning.
For sure you will fly them very uneffective. But if you want (and i know a lot of people that want it) you can.
Its better than: “i want but i cant before 6 month have passed”.

Then EVE simply is not the right game for them.

You claim to know what EVE is about and then demonstrate that you actually don’t have a clue.

So naive. Every person puts own in definition of “What is Eve about”.
For me Eve is about freedom and varaity of activites.

So, Eve isnt the game for most of current gamers? And you deal with it?
Online WILL drop. And without deep changes it will keep drop.

Wrong. You set your own goals for “winning EVE”. You don’t get to set gameplay or game design rules, which is what you’re complaining about.

EVE is and has always been a niche game. The player numbers aren’t dropping because of that. They’re dropping because of the constant mismanagement and ■■■■■■■■ CCP keeps throwing at its player base. They had a golden goose and decided to overmilk it out of pure greed until it became sick, but continued anyway. It’s now sick enough that there’s no turning back and it’s just going to die.

You really don’t understand anything.

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Sure not. Just read steam when “f2p” opens.
Game doeant get any worse. We have a bunch of new content and activites.

People always leave Eve with different reasons: played 2 years and tired, no time because find a job and etc.
This was always compensated by new players that keep playing even after 1 month.

The more game industry evolve the more project appears on market.
Do you really think that Eve rare and old mechanic is good for young players?
What they choose: play overwatch and get fan right now or play eve and invest 6 month minimum? And even with 6 mobth you wont see a lot of eve.
Some players choose Eve. But most of them choose other games.
Its totaly not about new content. Its about old game mechanics.

I played for 9+ years. And CCP change Eve in good way: new balance, new content. Its cool. But they dont adapt to game industry. This why we have /2 online.

Hahaha sure man, sure :slight_smile:

That 6 month of sp gets ccp money. Either the injectors or the time.

True. But you still want your omega state running. Or SP injectors.
So why this is a problem?

Because now the instant gratification types are paying to be instantly gratified.

Right now they need to pay for omega, pay for injectors and (if they don’t want grind the isk) pay for plex.

You’re suggestion seems to be just plex and omega. And when they lose their ship (which they will) and they quit (which they will) they’d have only paid for one month omega and the plex for the ship.

Instantly giving people ships will not retain new players. Anyone looking for that will soon find all of eve is delayed gratification. Industry, logistics, finding a fight, everything in eve takes time. So if you quit because of the time investment to get into a ship you’ll quit when you can’t ‘push button->get bacon’.

Thats how we know you don’t understand eve.

Edit- at any time ccp could remove the prerequisite skills for capitals so a day one player can train dreds 1. But it’s not going to happen.


But no! I dont suggest it. Why you keep ignoring the fact that you still need skills?
And if you dont want to wait you woll buy SP.
Nothing change in this way.

None of the things listed are newbie friendly activities.

So, if you need 2 hours for looking pvp, this why 6 month for carrier is ok. Right.
You cant do industry without skill. Why you think that my suggestion change it?

Once again: remove prereqs doesnt affect SKILL BENEFITS.
You cant launch production line w/o skills.
Yes, you can build smth. With totaly uneffective way but you can.
Why this is bad?


Those people are stupid.

Then you shouldn’t have used a Moros Dreadnought only as your example.

You said BO (Black Ops Battleship) first then at the end you said 2 Months for BS (Battleship).

Black Ops Battleships are high level content and extremely pricey, you shouldn’t be using them as a new player unless you have insane amounts of liquid cash, in which case buy Skill Injectors and fly whatever you want.

The industry has only evolved to become worse. Modern gaming mechanics like micro-transactions look bad.

No you don’t. You’re pretending you’re talking about your “newbie friends” but really you’re talking about yourself.

Why didn’t you teach the newbies how to buy skill injectors easily, using all your experience? I do that all the time since it’s easy when you know how…

Then why don’t you understand how it works yet?

That’s the answer to YOUR question. This is why everyone’s giving you stick for this post, because there is already a solution. You just want the solution for free.