EvE progression system

Mb im not clear enough, but why do you think fly moros isnt newbie activity? Because you say so or because timewall?
If pilot want to fly moros, make queue for 6 month and leave eve, comes after and start to fly moros, does he newbie?
So SP count is a “newbie” detector? Do you think so?

Neither. Because the Moros is actually almost completely helpless against most ships but a new player will assume that because it is big and expensive it must be “good”. They will assume it can blow up smaller less “good” ships because it is big, expensive and “good”. Dreadnought is also almost impossible to keep alive without a bunch of prior knowledge of EvE and how the mechanics of PvP really work including knowledge of PvP comps that might attack you, defence fleet tactics, cyno tactics and extreme levels of situational awareness you simply do not have as a new player.

No. Its their way to play the game. And you cant decide for them what is fun or not fun.

I already used thorax, BS, t2 ships for examples.

So you want eve die because you to old to accept new mechanics in gamedev? Nice.

Lol, i dont need prereq cancle. I can fly 95% of all ships :slight_smile:

I am.

No, and you still cant undersrand the point.
People will buy SP as well. Even without prereqs. I never told that CCP must remove skills and their effects on ships and items.

Fo example. We have Bob that dont want to wait to start fly on Megathrone.
Now: he will buy SP with $ (plex>isk>sp)
What will get Bob?
Capability to fly Megathrone. Some support skills but mostly he skips dest>crus>bc requirements.
He wil totaly uneffective with hia megathrone.

Without prereqs: Bob can fly megathrone from start. He buy it and open his stats. Its totaly uneffective.
What Bob want? To fly it or to fly it effectivly? So Bob still want to buy SP.

What the difference?

Aaaaaand? Its not the answer. Its YOUR vision of what Moros it is.
You talking about profit and effectivness. But tbh, many players play for fun.
I can bring 4 rorq right now. And get 400-600kk isk per hour.
But i fly RW with single window. Because i get fun of it.

The skills are there to slow down your progress through the ships to give you time to learn the game and it’s mechanics. Of course they are a timewall, but they serve a purpose. Eve is a complex game and just allowing you to do whatever you like right off the bat would likely cause your brains to liquify and leak out of your head. CCP even made it so that you keep training no matter are you offline or online, which to my knowledge, is something I have not heard in other MMO’s.

The skills are there to make your decisions have value and meaning. What you decide to train and fly is one way to build your character and your connection to it. If everyone could fly everything right away, there would be no point in specializing in certain ships or skills. I used to make some extra ISK by slotting rigs to people’s ships when you had to have skills to do it.

If everyone could fly anything, it would mean there would be less need for things like scanners, haulers and capital pilots.

Nah, it worked a long time ago.
Whats look like first 2 month of newbie life?
Whell 1st month you are learning some basics mechanics, like warp, dock, jumps, market, station. You choose what you want. And you choos it only with you feeling and wishes.
Then you find some corp/alliance that just telling you what to train.
For example it is CTA format ships. Recon? Well you open rexon, see 100500 days, close recon. Logist? Dunno, i want to deal damage. Lane ship? Hm, its just 3 month. So i wont be able to fly as i want for 3 month? What i suppose to do?
I want learn eve through gameplay. But i cant because my gameplay locked with big timewall.

Haha, no! :slight_smile:
It still brings some value!

Just imagine timeline:
A - current
B - what i suggest
X - day when you can fly ship
E - day when yoy can fly ship effectivly (this mean your stats is at least all4)

Totaly wrong and miss point.

There is Alex and Bob.
Alex invest his training time to scanning skills. And Bob invest to Moros skills.
If Bob will need to scan smth, for sure he can fly helios and probes. But it will be just SO uneffective. You can try to scan smth with probe str 40. Just try it :slight_smile:

This is the problem, if you approached your friends like you obviously approach the game and this thread, I can understand they left the game.

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Nah, i always help them and told “train smth useful for right now”. Tried show them some big CTA fights. Oh, you know. That CTA fights where you have red and purple squares on the screen and nothing else :slight_smile:
After few month of play they get tired to do scout role or tackle role. Most of the fight they were out of battle becuase they hadnt format ships.
Its pretty often practice in Eve - while CTA fight is starts, non-format ships sits in other system for scouting. Do you think that is fun for many gamers? :slight_smile:

No, CTAs are not fun, leave nullsec :wink:

It was fine for me. I could see why i like it. But as well i can understand people that dont like it.

You have a certain expectation how Eve should work based on other games. You are trying to apply the same logic that works in others into Eve.

If there was a good reason to change the way skill training works, CCP would have already tried it. The current skill-system works just fine for Eve and changing that would mean changing something that is a core feature for Eve. The biggest problem new players have is not the skill-training, but players like you who think they should get everything right off the bat.

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There is different between “get all at one time” and “get access to instrument and still have time to master it”.

Can you finaly hear me that even with access to any ship from start you still need SAME TIME AS NOW to master ship/your playstyle.

Still no.

Giving access to ships and modules without skills is a BAD IDEA. You are trying to put mechanics from other MMO’s into Eve and it just doesn’t work.


Can you give examples where you need time (real time) to master smth?
Btw i hope you dont think that requirements system is smth unique in Eve? Even in WoW you have some requirement to gear (lvl for example).
You just dont want to understand that without skill requirement you still need and WANT to learn skills, becuase they directly improves your stats and capabilities.

Just for clear: access to the ship not allow you to use this ship with full potential. Even not with half.

Different games gate content and have different skilling-systems. Eve has it’s own and it works very well. You are trying to plant ideas from other games into Eve, which leads into issues and abuse.

And how i do that? I dont suggest to remove SKILLS and TIME learning.
Requirements system is just a wall. Its handmade lock. But LOW EFFECTIVNESS of your ship is NATURAL lock.
You still need to learn skills for your progression.

Ok, lets imagine that you have access to any ship from start. So buy (for somehow) damn BS.
It will have so low effectivness. You start to learn skills to increase effectivness: some gunnery skills, some tank skills, some navigation skills. After few month you reach it with all4 skills. But all this few month you fly ship that you WANT fly.

This is what im talking about:

A - current
B - what i suggest
X - day when you can fly ship
E - day when yoy can fly ship effectivly (this mean your stats is at least all4)

You simply ignore it and cry “nononono it will be like other MMO”. No. it wont be. Becuase most MMO use progression through gameplay. You kill monster and get EXP.
I DO NOT suggest it. Once more: you still learn skills as you do it now. NOTHING change in this.


Was THE admiral (I promoted the major to admiral, don’t judge) selling point of EVE for me.

Don’t “fix” what ain’t broken! You seem to believe that there is something wrong. There isn’t.

There you go! Wasn’t so difficult after all, was it? Your goal is not to train a capital and be done.

If you set your goal to an in-achievable one, you will fail. Failure doesn’t feel good and you begin to believe that everything else is in-achievable too. Your mind creates are self-fulfilling prophecy.

Set your goals to achievable ones. Having your buddies cheer to you on comms because you did an epic looking stunt that kept that one ship alive or you saved someone else because she / he fell asleep and left her / his boat in a dangerous position and you fleet warped it to safety feels much better.

EVE has short term and long term goals.

You urinate all over EVERYONE whom did train the learning skills and progressed like it should be.

That is a YOU(R) problem, not ours. I was never really bored with what I had, when I was leveling my Raven. I became even less bored when I started to become the predator and stopped being prey.

I always find things to do that take time or do something entirely different by helping out a buddy on the other side of the map to web his freighter into warp and having everyone on comms get muscle cramps from laughing on my commentary.
Or talking to a friend whom needs to ease her / his mind and get a different set of eyes.

Or being the only triage pilot online to remote rep your alliance buddies in that sleeper anomaly because the other pilot is late or had something else to do and could not make it in time.

Or setting up my 10 research slots again because CCP likes to screw our time investment up a lot (no more ME 131 battlecruiser bpos).

There are so many things to do and NONE of them is preventing you from anything while you train battleship to level 5 and advanced spaceship command to 5. I don’t think that keeps someone away from EVE.

There is also no time limit on when you reach a goal. I strongly believe that this limit-less time is what some people find in-attractive. But then they weren’t suited for EVE anyways.

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There is no problem in the game-mechanics. It’s between your ears only. You see the skill-mechanics through other MMO’s and cannot see the benefits of the current system.

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So you totaly ignoring point and goals. And now you start be rude :smiley:
Old good forum.