Yeah, me too. So people that meet timewall just doesnt exist, right?
It is just fantastic that CCP told us about reason why newbies leave game after month or even less. All ok, we have good strong and ACTUAL mechanic for 20017 year. But we still will complain about online drop.
You know, some mechanics that work in 2004-2010 just a “liiiiiiiitle” old and unactual for today.
At Vegas2016 i think, CCP told that about ONE MILLION unique players try Eve per year. Do you know what this mean?
Before answer look at online numbers please.
PS: and i know that my grammar is bad, thx for point thing that i know. Is the sky is blue?
Oh there are many. But in this thread i am talking about "what a good idea to build a timewall for newbie. If he want fly BS or T2 crus or even capital he must WAIT. And not a 1 month. half of year, year, 100500 years to start play what he actualy wants.
You can play and do activites while you learning new ship. But in short, it like Darth Vader unlock in BF2.
Why unlocking Darth Vader (40+h) was a problem and unlocking Thanatos for 150 days - is not?
And you know that reddit post from EA? How many dislikes it have?
Do this mean that current players want grind or wait even 40h to play character (ship/item/playstyle) they want?
And at all of this i do not suggest to remove skills and time learning. But you can destroy this timewall.
Pilot still be able to learn skills (and he totaly want to do so if he want to see some progression) but he can fly what he want (or what alliance wants). Even if it will be very uneffective.
I’m not ignoring you. I’m just saying that your idea sucks and it doesn’t belong to Eve. No matter how you say it. I’ve read your idea and it doesn’t get any better.
Because they slow down progress to let you learn things and stop people from abusing the ability to fly all ships? Makes skills have a reason to be trained and keep the balancing much simpler. Stops new players from rage-quitting due to rushing into ships they have no idea how to use or fly or what skills are required. Teaches you patience, which is needed in Eve. Gives reason to specialize and makes haulers more usefull.
Not sure how many times this needs to be told to you. It may work in other MMO’s but not Eve.
EDIT: The only reason players quit due to the training-times because people like you cannot explain that skillpoints are not everything in Eve. You can do more with good in-game skills than with skillpoints.
Remember the Crucible tiericide project that made a ton of ships useful and even good? Not everything has to be t2 or “bigger” to be “better”.
“Better” is in the eye of the helms(wo)man. Maybe the lack of information makes it worse. The traits tab on the Moros for example doesn’t tell you that you really should not yolo said Moros with officer modules into Tama (Blackrise) and be surprised you didn’t kill anything with it.
The “capital” in capital ships used to be an indicator that you would need a lot of capital to acquire said ship and gather enough friends to support the ship. Them capital ships are not meant to be “solo” ships and require a gang of them to achieve a goal.
That goal should be something like shooting a tower in lowsec or nullsec and not to jump into that gatecamp and hope to win.
How can you abuse ability to fly thorax with 160 dps?
Or how can you abuse ability to have no jump-drive on your carrier becuase you have no jump drive skills?
Ok its totaly report for harrasment but still i answer.
I perfectly know that SP is nothing. And i told this like 10 times this thread, But you ignore it and continue shitposting.
Removal of requirements not break this:
How you cant see it? It is so simple! You still learn skills for their benefits and access of some learning and books.
You still need this skills because without them you uneffective.
Its not true. There can be a lot of reason to fly uneffective ship. You know, this is a game, right? And someone (just someone) want to get fun from the game.
Can you say that there is 100% no people that can get fun just from flying things they want? Because it looking good or because they just want to try it?
I told him about scanner and will repeat it to you.
Go and scan with 1 lvl helion and 1 lvl probes. After 1 hour of trying to scan smth you will understand what i mean. You still need skills and you still need specialize. You still need coop.
I truly enjoyed skilling up my thorax and seeing the difference in performance, so I deem that is what you mean by progression.
But, I’m going to disagree as well.
My concern is twofold:
The cost. Using your moros as an example, it is an expensive ship. A new player would have to pay real life cash, or as stated earlier in the thread use a charge card just to buy the ship. And, as many pointed out, what then? The new player doesn’t have the player skills, acquired over time in game, to compensate for an inadequately equipped ship. So, now, we have an inexperienced new player lacking the ship’s support skills that would normally have been trained in the past to even make it safe to undock the moros. This leads to more real life cash or credit being spent, just to decently equip the ship, not to bling it out, but the basic necessities, to keep it from being the latest ALOD .
but this is my serious reservation:
what organization would support such a player? EVE is a very social game. What organization would support ship replacement under these circumstances? Very few groups would welcome such a player, many would consider them a liability. Some would simply shun them. And still other organizations would seek them out simply to take advantage of the new player’s inexperience, and pad their kill board.
Of my two objections to your suggestion, I think the social aspect is the most worrisome.
Well it WAS for valid reason. Some change last few years in industry itself makes some “faster” gameplay more actual (if i can say so).
I really get question from my friends “why want i go to Eve if i need a lot of time to just start taking some fun?”
I HAVE answer to this question. But they dont understand that answer. Some of them like space. Like spaceships. They even like Eve concept, Eve cinematics, Eve lore and most of other mechanics. But they really dont understand why the time of their progression is SOOOOOOOOOO long. For what reason?
And - i think- people with the same question isnt “rare”.
Damn just imagine one million new players per year. And why they dont play after 2-4 weeks? What the reason?
I think timewall one of that reason. It isnot valid anymore.
This why CCP trying to reduce a “timegaps” between what player want to fly and WHEN he CAN to fly it. Learning goes first. Then some of T2 requirements get reduced. Then some caps requirement get reduced.
And finaly we got SP injectors.
So, do we need requirements? What they give to us? To the gameplay? We already have natural timewall - effectivness. Most of us wont fly ship without some skills.
A) Sit-in characters for capitals for no cost or training
B)Fuel-trucks for BO-ships with no cost or training
C) Industrials for no cost or training
D) miners for no cost or training
E) Scouts for no cost or training
F)Moving ships with an alt with no cost or training
just off the top of my head. I’m sure someone who really thinks about this can come up with more.