Today 5/9/20 at 21:00 my radio show will begin, after a few hours on on air hints, a location will be revealed of where there will be suspect freighter to kill.

As a collection of EVE-Radio events, this will be a big one. 6 bil worth of loot in the freighter for all to grab. There will also be prizes for Final Blow, Top Damage, amongst others. Carrier hull, faction fit battleship are just few of the prizes to be given away.

If you want to join in the fun… at 21:00 EvE time, tune into http://eve-radio.com and listen for clues, or the EVE radio chat(in game) will also be good place to gather with people.


Kinda short notice for start of event.

Anyway, may you have a successful event and good luck to you.

Thanks for the feedback, we do keep it hush hush, as allow the listeners the majority of the heads up, but wanted to open the possibilities to those hanging around with little to do. This is my 5th event, and I will tweak things as we move forward. The event was a good one, over all about 14 bil given away and 7-8 bil KM, with officer mods, bpo/bpc not counted is… so with those about 11-12 bil km…

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