Isn’t the game all about tracking, recording, analyzing and processing everything about a person in real life? All this, of course, is happening without his consent and despite repeated loudly expressed objections.
I would call it illegal mining, although illegal colonization fits much better in this case…
should also be mentioned, the constant forcing of various behaviors on this man, by regularly and intensely attacking his senses by creating artificial events that are woven into his life, and total control of all his network devices…
interestingly, all this has been happening since the birth of the “chosen one”, and at the moment he is a middle-aged man…
of course, everyone gathered on this forum, including you, are well aware of everything I said here, but I am fully aware that no one will comment on it, alternatively negate it …
^ here is an answer to my observations, to avoid any connection with what I wrote, it was written in a different topic, additionally it contains a clear intimidating element confirming everything I wrote here…