While I agree that as you said, this would be very “EVE like”, the fact though would be even less stations would be attacked and the space-trash would increase even more. Or put another way, just one more fuzzy blanket around the bears.
Again, a legitimate point. Again, an easy fix. Although, this time, it is a bit less black and white in terms of consequences.
The easy part would be to gate the BIG RED button to a structure being attacked during its final timer. So, you cannot self-destruct unless an attacker is on grid. And that way they are guaranteed to get loot.
This is where we might part company. I would prefer to be able to prevent you looting as well but I could live with the above if it still prevents you getting kill mail. Whether that would still allow space-trash to proliferate tho’, because a significant number of mercs are chasing the km and not the loot? I just don’t know.
Well I see your side too but IMO, it’s just another deterrent to attack a station in the first place. I mean, it’s 100M minimum now and the loot/salvage barely covers that for smaller stations. It’s easier to just say “meh” and add your own station to the pile.
The argument could extend to ships…why not have your big red button on ships too so that you can prevent the attacker for getting loot or KM or whatever…IMO like stations, this would kill EVE and the whole point of the game.
But again, I do see your point…it’s not stupid and in a different game it would work but not here and not now…
I disagree. Even tho’ you could be proven correct in the end, I think it worth a try.
Yes, I also want an instantaneous BIG RED on ships. Again, it’s about KM not loot. (And a compromise is to allow me the complete jettison of all my cargo at once. You would still get loot but potentially only a much reduced KM.)
Yes, I absolutely want self-destruct as a deterrent. (Although I would claim it as a passive defense of last resort.) However, self-destruct would only work if the owner actually turned up. Given most mercs claim they are only attacking low power structures (= space trash) surely the need for a defender to turn up would add both pilot interaction - and a frisson of uncertainty re outcomes for the attacker - that are both currently lacking?
Easier solution: recognize that killmails are useless and irrelevant and stop paying attention to them.
I think this is our issue as I don’t care about KMs, just ISK. We might have a conflict of fundamentals here
The big problem I see as this, like self-destructs on stations, would kill many forms of game-play such as ganking, gate camping and station camping. That’s a huge core of the game right there.
If the reward side of the coin is removed then what’s the point? This is the same issue I would have for stations and the glut of them now is a symptom for just that…it doesn’t pay to fight them any more and that’s without a red button.
For this to work in either setting, you would need to balance the risk/reward WAY more…
No argument. That is in fact my point, that I want to reduce (if not actually remove) the value that others place in them. Particularly when they are focusing on me as their source!
[As an aside, I am not even registered for my KM to be recorded. Which is a bit disingenuous for me to say, as I’m not good enough to actually have any.]
You might be correct. My feeling though is it wouldn’t go far enough to “kill” gameplay. It would tho’ shift the balance.
I don’t “do” PVP, as in actively point & shoot people or their stuff. But, I’m quite happy to kill myself if it stops you doing it. And I just think that sort “balancing” option is largely missing in-game.
Everyone has the ability to self-destruct their ships already, so it does seem a little strange the same option isn’t here for structures. If you self-destruct or are destroyed the ‘loot drop’ mechanics are the same, I see no reason why this shouldn’t be the case for structures too.
Edit: Just saw this:
Not a fan of ‘instantaneous’, but quite happy with the station owner being able to decide “all is lost” and going down with the… ship…
IF the loot drop mechanics were the same then sure…IDK…but that’s not the OPs intention and I don’t think it’s @Lily_Inkura either…
This would make for a comical space opera mind you…locking on to ships and they instantly cooking-off…lol…
This seems pretty insulting to the OP. It’s not fair to assume that how someone is in life- is the same as what they WANT out of a video game.
Now, if we want to suggest that this might not be the right game for the OP to play during their leisure time I think you’d have a fair argument.
And if people stay in a system a don’t go anywhere people call them lazy, nothing, absolutely nothing makes people like you happy, everybody else is always “doing it wrong”, for years these forums are filled not with adults but bickering teens that no CCP changes can make happy, everything put forth is trolled to death.
The OP raised that point for a reason…it’s fair game.
No, my point is it’s you CHOICE to do it so don’t whine about it. If you want to be a hauler and jump 30 gates then go for it…just don’t complain that it’s not fair to have to jump 30 gates to be a hauler.
Likewise, if you want to sit in one system then great, just don’t whine about the restrictions that are placed on you if you do that.
I not saying people are doing it wrong…i’m saying that are choosing to do something and THEN whining about it…asking for people to take responsibility for their actions is NOT trolling and for you to think that is a bit sad.
That is the point isn’t it, but when the mechanics of the game are geared to favor those whom already have much going for them, well there’s no point in going over it because after all only CCP can do something but choose not too.
That’s called life. You need to learn to deal with that. Nothing is equal…or fair. You need to work with what you have and try to improve a little everyday.
You’re just a fuc’ed up forum troll.
I post a remark about how 10 yrs ago players could relax and enjoy the scenery with their ships on autopilot for 30+ jumps and you automatically view it as whining and try to demean / insult me about it.
Maybe you’ll have better luck understanding sign language:
Oh look, DMC is having another tantrum…what a surprise…
Actually I don’t even consider this game a life at all, it’s just a way to waste away a bit of time, nothing more.
To be honest I’ve reached out to a group here in eve I’ll give being in another Corp a try but hopefully it won’t turn out like a school yard full of children like other Corps I’ve been involved with, it isn’t easy finding good company to hang with in a casual environment.