Eve = Safe

Still winning at losing I see. Congratulations on a job horribly done! I see a demotion in your future, need a shoe shiner.

The internet really has turned into a terrible place. Worst part of it is that here it’s 30+ year old dudes sperging like 10year old autists. What would your mother think?


These are the kind, I come here to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Plus, ccp apparently wanted to keep some toxicity so they made a c and p here where they say the rules can be bent.

God bless

No they just forgot to bring the old list of banished ones over to the new one… A common mistake.

I think highsec response time of Concord needs to be cut down per sec status, low end sec status places need to have Concord coming through the gate to get there in time, pirates should be allowed to inhabit these areas of space due to the lack of police presence.

Go to low sec, or are you a purely high sec player/ forum poster?

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what would that make you holey?

True, I see the spammers from Jita roam and spam all around now. I think local chat should be completely removed. You wanne talk, do a dscan and ask for permission to open your mouth.

Yes, and have the NPC factions retreat as no pirate/criminal organization will allow a government in their areas.

This does not work in EVE where the bad guys have over 100 accounts and wouldn’t even care about teh timer as they relog with another account. Will takes timers of over months to actually make some players notice.

And get hunted by concord as if concord was some kind of security force instead of a mallcop. Also the jump gates should not work for them. Would be like a criminal arriving at the US border shouting HURRY, HURRY I need to escape the police!

Concord is working as intended. They provide retribution for a criminal act. If you want protection you need to rely on yourself or other players.

It is very unimmersive to see an announcement (APB?) that a suspect or criminal has entered space yet they leave the gate open and don’t put an effort of sending in a team? Should we wonder about the factional warfare? A ennemy military enters 1.0 space and doesn’t have a worry? Does that seem immersive? Do the NPC’s actually care or are like “Hey, we are part of the game and they can’t kill us anyways… cuz our stations are like invulnerable?”

Any arguments to support your opinion? Besides the “They programmed it that way and never ever change the programming.” ?


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I think you are mixing up Faction Police “facpo” and CONCORD and their associated roles and function. Currently Faction Police will respond in force if you do not maintain an appropriate level of security status (-2.5 and lower will be fired upon in a 1.0).

These npc mechanics serve as a way to control players from doing absolutely whatever they want, and leave a lot of the control and interaction up to other players. Sure it may not be perfect or make sense from a lore or practical point of view, but it reinforces what makes an MMO and MMO and I’m glad that CCP chooses to leave the majority of conflict and interation between players.

No offense, but most of the whining and crying I hear and experience is because most of the time the people that are involved with unsavory gameplay know way more about the associated mechanics and min-max it to a point of near perfection. Your average highsec hero or anti-ganker are just for far behind the curve it’s embarrassing. I cringe when I read gank-intel or anti-gank chat.

Use the opportunity to create some content for yourself. You are consenting to the chance of player interaction happening by undocking, so do yourself a favor and play without feeling helpless, depending on npcs.


What curve? I only hit the curb occasionally. Without the saltyness of your post at least it was an effort. And I do appreciate that. I respect your view on the whole idea but i’d love more NPC action in the HIGH SEC areas. Don’t care about low and null because the 4 races don’t really care about that either. I’d love to see the CONCORD actually defending high sec as it’s the last thing they really control…

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Faction Police control since high-security space is owned and controlled by one of the four factions. If you want to see buffs to facpo that’s fine, but CONCORD don’t provide any opportunity for content. They land, jam, and destroy you as a means of retribution - punishment for your criminal actions. You’re hit with a security status penalty and given a 15 minute timeout.

You mentioned an “APB” being put out when you take gates. If you pay attention you will notice that it’s the facpo announcing that, not concord. If you manage to get caugh by facpo it almost certainly spells your death.

You mistook my last post. It wasn’t salty at all. I was simply pointing out that I can understand how the life of a criminal can appear to be overpowered or too easy to people that fail to grasp the basics behind the mechanics and how to counter. Instead they throw their arms in the air and ask CCP to implement changes to npcs that will in all actuality, not effect much. That’s the thing about people that min-max an activity they do. The ■■■■ gets theorycrafted and perfected.

Adapt or die… HTFU… some more catchy phrases.


Nah dude, Goons and co are currently doing things in the safest way possibly and are in a position to effect the game a great deal fairly soon. If they all took every fight instead of max crabbing they’d probably all be having more fun but would collectively be in a way worse position in terms of actual effect on EvE. Lets not forget it is primarily their crabbing fortress ways that triggered the recent carrier nerfs as well as used Rorquals to completely change the ore markets, which most would consider a fairly tangible effect on the entire game.

I don’t think you can safely say that safety = no effect on the game.


You’re right. The game also tends to be balanced around those that min-max an activity down to a science and surpass others results.

Take force projection for example.

Force projection (Titans / Supers deployable at moments notice over large area) is a game killing cancer, and additionally anything that can be done to limit the use of JF would be a huge step away from the current stagnant meta.

I was just commenting on how the implementation of jump fatigue was almost certainly because of larger groups swinging their Johnson around in helicopter fashion.

Kinda like how the watchlist nerf was almost certainly pushed through with haste because of how it was being abused with the log server. :slight_smile:

Maybe yeah, but they were swinging their Johnsons because force projection was ruining nulsec / lowsec. Jump drives on freighters still are killing nulsec / lowsec.

I believe if the jump fatigue was able to be skilled down by some navigational skill weight see many more big fights, maybe many more bigger wars

Yeah, you should probably research who you’re talking to for two seconds before you think to say some “clever” comment like that.

But actually, yes, yes we can. As I stated, HiSec ISK faucets are a drop in the total bucket, and are balanced by sinks. The problem is NullSec faucets. You can look at the data yourself.

I mean to be honest, meaningless epeens aside we’re all just talking to other video game playing grebs on the internet aren’t we?