Also streaming is most likely her job or wanting to be her main job. Therefore EVE’s skill model doesn’t fit because she has to “work” by playing vidya games.
Meanwhile the rest of us adults with jobby jobs and real lives appreciate EVE’s model because we can real life and not fall behind skill wise.
[quote="Elzon1, post:21, topic:388549, username:Elzon1”]
They need to be in DOCTRINE ships in order for 0.0 groups to truly accept newbies. However, newbies don’t want to wait too long to be in said 0.0 groups and so they need to be able to effectively fly doctrine ships much more quickly than is currently possible. In order to accelerate this, training times will have to be sped up across the board due to the number of general skills used in doctrine ships.
yeah we reaaaly neeed nobs flying doctrine ships in 0.0 ASAP
[quote="Aiko Danuja, post:22, topic:388549, full:true, username:Aiko_Danuja”]
New players are lame.
Who cares?
they are poor and boring
and they smell bad …
and i don’t like them
One of the easiest ways to get those noobs into flying doctrine ships is to pay for those skill injectors and telling them what to skill when they do, give them books and ships then and voila you paid for it to happen. Open those big alliance level coffers to your noobs and do it yourself.
In no way would I ever support speeding up the process to skill up as it would negate and ruin the game as it stands. Its already incredibly fast if you know what youre doing. Teach them and let them be patient or hell! Even take them out in noob friendly doctrines. Brave used to do this a ton back in the day. Do it again and again and let them have content and fun as noobs.
It isn’t everyone else’s fault that the culture of null is inherently anti-newb “you must fly a Slepnir or bust” kind of attitude. Whose fault is that? The people running null. Just shouting the word “doctrine” repeatedly shows you have a narrow one track idea for a solution and aren’t really seeing the big picture.
And this is where you’re objectively wrong. When you watch CCP’s latest video on newbie retention (citation: “The Friendship Machine” 2019) the number 1 mechanism for newbie retention that beats anything CCP has done is:
A) Be in a fleet, it doesn’t matter the size; and,
B) Get their ship blown up
Nowhere in the presentation do they say “bigger fleet size is better retention wise”. Just any fleet will do.
Yes it’s be nice if nullsec could help out but that has nothing to do with SP gain and everything to do with FCs and seeders not bothering creating DOCTRINE fits and stocking those ships for newbies. If null sec groups don’t do this then it’s a bummer but it’s not like nullsec is the sole exclusive place to find fleets.
Spam Anomic missions with a hawk and then slowly use the isk to buy skill injectors and train into proper anomic mission running ship’s allowing you to do more mission types.
Must have used 100b already on skill injectors.
It’s all about money. As you see on screen, she can buy an expert system to use the mining barge for a week, meantime learning the skill.
CCP’s answer to any problem is to create something you can buy. I know this is a business, but I feel it’s way too overrated.
Also they desperately needs new players (new boss in the chair), but they still not understand the reasons why so many player leave this game after a few weeks/months/. The reason is simply. A new player feels like a piece a meat in the meatgrinder. And the problem is not the difficulty of the game, instead of the countless bored “Veteran” EVE player, who scam/gank/grief them.
Also this game is really time consuming and if you don’t have at least 4 hours to play daily, you will be way behind in everything.
So CCP is going to the really wrong way to scoop in new players. Because all the veterans plexing multiple accounts, and making trillions of ISK every month, but the dad with 3 kids, who just want to mine in HS 1-2 hours a day will definitely unsubscribe, when some “Veteran” bait gank his poor Orca…
Currently the game has much more ISK rich players, who can plex multiple accounts with ease, because they have time to play (which is a second job basically) and a few players who subscribe for real money and try to survive in the wilderness…
ccp is doing that
one can join a fleet on week 1
I’m not a fan but who am i to say
i play this ■■■■ for more than 10 years and i stoped at this
lots of useless mining , industry , capital ships that i dont even use
SP is overrated
the “i have to catch up” mindset is a noob thing
they think that eve is wow
eve have LOTS of horizontal progression , meaning that you can be the best t1 cruiser player , or the best miner , or the best explorer …
no need to do all , to have all
do what you want them train to do something different for variety
btw wen i played wow people used to grind months for the BIS gear , just to get it powercreepd on the next patch / expantion
at least eve progression is permanent
and the op 40 years bla bla bla is so misleading
because wen you have 10 years old you have the same money as your parents
its like they were never kids
i used to mine in a bestower with one small laser back them …
and here i am
EVE is a niche game , if you like it you stay , if you don’t good riddance
“in eve you have to get 1000 alts to do something “
“in eve you have to get a big group to do something”
pure BS
people loooooove to say i have to wen in reality they want to
clueless new player does something silly and loses ships repeatedly
clueless new player demands faster skill training to get into “better” ships faster
ccp “gives in” and nukes the skill training in multiple, novel, innovative and (especially) lucrative ways, and gives veterans token compensations to prevent nuking the PCU again
clueless but highly sp’d new player buys plex for cash to fund “better” ships and skills (economy and finances being what they are)
clueless highly sp’d player loses “better” ships and
4.a. rage quits or
4.b. creates forum threads about unfair advantage of “veterans” demanding some new “advantage” or
4.c. gives fresh fuel to the anti-gank forum crusaders or
4.d. buys more plex and returns to step 4 until mom/dad/spouse/significant other says: “enough”
everyone happy: ccp for higher income and nice statistics on “new accounts made”, veterans for more clueless ships to burn out of space and more cheap plex on the market, except the “clueless” new player who is still “clueless” and never took the time to learn to make informed decisions and take calculated risks, let alone learn to fly a spaceship in dangerous space.
You’ve been playing since 2009, but apparently you’ve never heard of the beginning of the Goons.
You’ve been playing since 2009, but you somehow missed being able to distinguish between Resource Wars (look it up), Resource Redistribution, and Scarcity.
Sure, I get that you’re a bit mind-boggled by a cute face and the way she applies some hefty cleavage to leverage her influence (is cleaverage a thing now? Is that what makes streaming-for-pay work?).
And personally I have no problem with speeding up skill gain, it’s no skin off my back. Just letting you know that some of the stuff you’re lobbying for is already here (swarms of effective noobs in workable ships fairly quickly - go read up on Red vs. Blue, Faction Wars, Eve Rookie Incursions, EVE University roam fleets, and others that already do it).
And some of what you’re asking for is directly abusable by the most game-abusing groups in EVE: null entities. (Hordes of new players in current doctrine ships.) So it’s not gonna happen, anyone can see you’re shilling for them as well as the streamer.
Perhaps. But in that case, the “new doctrine” will simply move to whatever defeats swarms of newbies with 5 million insta-SP. And then you’ll be back, saying what EVE and newbies really need is 10 million insta-SP and a free Paladin to start with…
The only actually useful notion in your post is about getting newbies into fleets and group fights quickly, especially ones that generate losses against other players - especially if sponsored/led by vets. Then they’d have excitement, social connection, someone to explain those all-important early ship losses and how to get back in the saddle afterwards.
That would indeed help retention. Falling prey to dazzling cleaverage and shilling for the nullblobs won’t.
“The only way to play is to rush into null sec two days into the game and become a clone soldier, being yelled at and told what to do. All while grinding and grinding and grinding to try and catch up with folks way ahead of you in SP who are telling you what to fly and what to do, while not really having a clue on what you’re doing, what other play styles actually exist and if you would perhaps like those more or not”.
just turn off slow motion and eve is reduced to a street fighter… and due to the fact that phlegmatic egoists like Marcy Warton annoy me, I turn off slow motion forever…
please keep all the playstyles out of there… or feed their stories to someone who will believe you…