Eve support

So I came back to eve online about 2 weeks ago. When to log into my accounts and needed to reset the passwords because well 5 years have passed.

All but one account linked to the email gave ’ unexpected error has occured ’ so I email/message support. After sending a few not one a few. One of them get back to me after 3 to 4 days. Sends me one messaged asking for information and then radio silence. So now I start thinking my messages are messing up I send a few more, another 3 to 4 days to by. I make a new email and send a new message finally with in 24hrs they respond. Saying they are gonna escalate it.

After another 2 days one replays to my original messages. Saying " you accounts had unusual activity and we think they may have been hacked. So they are all locked/banned until we know they are safe make a new email and message from their and when I gets to me I’ll help" basicly his instructions with a bit more.

Me thinking oh I can do this all quickly and maybe get on today does the things required. And now it’s been silence for the last few days.

This has been the absolute worse support or customer service I have EVER seen like I ran 6 omega accounts before not like I was spending Penny’s on this game before.

Want to know why eve online doesn’t grow or does so very slowly is because when new people do come back and run into problems this is how it goes. So we say ■■■■ it.

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Wow, being locked out of your accounts is definitely sad news indeed…

And yeah, Eve customer support is a joke…

Best thing to do is just add more info to the original support ticket… Creating a new ticket probably slows down the whole process… Just be patient and hopefully the issue will soon be resolved…

Can’t I have to use a new email and go through the whole process again with the ticket number in the email header… After making a new character to boot. Because my original email is “comprised.” How that solves any problems I have no clue since If my email was compromised then a person could just do what I did… Also I am able to get on to one of the linked accounts “though it was a character with very little on it less then 5m skill points.” But why isn’t that one locked? But the rest are? (I can even buy stuff so it’s not like anything is actually protected). So it’s a giant joke with imagery hoops I have to go through. Like if the GM would have just spent 5 mins to actually help then this would be solved. But instead I’ll probably have to wait another week or two to get a response for what? Another set on instructions or questions then go back into the que again?

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Yeah, it sux…

Not sure but might have to wait for them to change Email address on their end…