EVE Trade V4.3.0 Release - Station Trading by Volume!

Hey all!

I am the primary developer behind EVE Trade, a website that’s picked up significant user traction in recent months.

Happy to officially announce our 4.3.0 release!

For those that do not know the application. It’s primarily used for:

  1. Finding the best hauling trades between stations (buying low and selling high)
  2. Finding the best margins if you are a station trader (placing buy orders and then sell orders).

Since my last release announcement 4.1.0 I’m happy to announce several huge changes:

  1. Station trading can now be filtered by daily volume! (The highest requested feature for the past 4 months).
  2. We are now fully ESI compliant. I’ve moved the last bit of CREST APIs off the codebase so now station trading should be much more performant.
  3. Numerous browser compatibility bug fixes primarily aimed at Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
  4. Other minor fixes and usability tweaks

Please let me know either on here or through our feedback form if you have any thoughts/concerns/feature requests.

Thanks. Fly safe o7

Rotsner Deja
EVE Trade | Realtime Hauling & Station Trading Tool

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