EVE Trade V5.0.x Released - Region to Region Trading!

Hey all!

I am the developer behind EVE Trade, a website that I’ve tried to keep up to date since the fall of EVE Central.

Happy to officially announce the 5.0 release!

For those that do not know about the website, it helps in:

  • Finding the best hauling trades between stations (buying low and selling high)
  • Finding the best margins if you are a station trader (placing buy orders and then sell orders).

Since my last release announcement I’m happy to announce several huge changes:

  • Region-to-Region trade searches! One of the most requested features for the past year is finally available. I had to do a ground up rebuild since the website was originally intended for stations alone, so I’m happy to see this one in the works.
  • Better compatibility with non-chrome browsers (primarily Firefox and Edge).
  • Custom searches through an auto-completing input box instead of a clunky dropdown.
  • The UI has taken a new look due to requests for a darker theme to not strain eyes.
  • Multiple start and end locations for station-to-station trading has been enabled.
  • A refresh option is added so users do not need to continue to restart the page to conduct the same search again.

Region to Region searches take a bit of time (30-90 seconds), but when compared to where station-to-station trading was when I just launched (6-8min each) its not too bad. Looking to improve it over the next few months. So bear with me as I roll out these updates.

As usual, send me any feedback and Fly safe o7.

Rotsner Deja
EVE Trade | Realtime Hauling & Station Trading Tool

Updates List

June 25th, 2018

5.0.2 Minor Update:
* System to System trading is now permitted via Station to Station panel.

Still looking to add the following in 5.1:
* Citadel Trading (public ones only)

July 6th, 2018

Version 5.1.0 Released:
* Public citadels added to region-to-region trading

July 18th, 2018 Update

Version 5.2.0 Released:
* Citadels now can appear as starting locations
* Security Status color now appear in regional trades (and filtering)
* Number of Jumps and Profit per Jump included for Regional Trades

August 14, 2018 Update:

Version 5.2.1 Released:
* Station Trading now includes 14 and 30 day moving averages for volume.
* Filter now applies to 14-day moving average rather than the last 24 hours to provide better results.
* Region Trading security filter defaults to NULL Sec or better to accomodate queries with null-sec regions selected (otherwise no results are returned).
* Checkbox added to Region Trading to include/exclude citadels in results
* Number of results per page increased from 50 to 100
* Minor styling changes to make results appear better on smaller desktop/laptop screens.

Roadmap Outline

Version 5.3.0
* Improve user analytics to better understand behavior
* Last N searches appear as suggestion buttons
* Light / Dark mode switch for UI
* Copy Selected as Buy Order feature
* When expanding a trade popup allow users to view timestamps of how recent the trade was
* Address inefficiencies in resource loading to improve UX

Version 6.0+
* From here on out it will be largely community driven as I have built out all the features that the community has largely requested
* Maintain mode rather than feature development
* Open Source the platform and moderate PRs.

Is there an option to limit results to highsec systems?

Not just yet. It’s a feature that I’m tracking along with number of jumps and profit per jump.

5.0.2 Minor Update:

  • System to System trading is now permitted via Station to Station panel.

Still looking to add the following in 5.1:

  • Citadel Trading (public ones only)

Version 5.1.0 Released:

  • Public citadels added to region-to-region trading

Roadmap for the rest of the year

Version 5.2.0 (ETA Aug 15)

  • Update the way station-to-station is marked above the datatable. Currently its hard to read what stations you’ve selected.
  • Add a filter to Limit region-to-region trades to specific security statuses
  • Add a profit per jump field (and possibly a distance between stations column) to region-to-region trades.

Version 5.3.0 (ETA Sept 1)

  • Improve user analytics to better understand behavior
  • Last N searches appear as suggestion buttons
  • Light / Dark mode switch for UI
  • Copy Selected as Buy Order feature
  • When expanding a trade popup allow users to view timestamps of how recent the trade was

Version 6.0+ (ETA Oct 1)

  • From here on out it will be largely community driven as I have built out all the features that the community has largely requested
  • Maintain mode rather than feature development
  • Open Source the platform and moderate PRs.

can we please be able to select which orders to compare when region or station trading? like selecting from each station (or region) to use sell or buy orders?

That is the one thing i need out this tool :smiley:

@ACreatorPT Hey, are you referring to looking at the price differences between specific items at different stations? If so, this may be a possibility in the future, but currently there are other EVE tools out there that do this so its not a priority. If I am misunderstanding, let me know and it might be a feature in a future release!

Version 5.2.0 Released!
System Security & Jump Distance for Regional Trading

  • Citadels now can appear as starting locations for regions
  • Security Status color now appear in regional trades (and filtering)
  • Number of Jumps and Profit per Jump included for Regional Trades

CC: @Gadawan as you asked for a feature :slight_smile:

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@Rotsner_Deja can u point me out to one of these tools? i saw some websites but i could never select to use buy or sell orders in any of the stations. i also tried evernus but i can seem to import stuff there since it gets stuck forever (and i only select one market category…)


Is probably what you are looking for. You can input an item and get the trades across the game.

Once I finish with evetrade and open-source it by the end of the yesr I was planning to create an updated version of those features but with a refreshed/better ui.

@Rotsner_Deja alas not at all what i need. i needed something exacly like your website except that when i select the option between 2 stations to search items it would allow me to compare for example the sale orders of amarr (as the buy station) and hek sale orders (as the sell station). Preferably it would even allow me to choose if i want to use buy or sell orders to compare in each of the stations i select :slight_smile:

there was a website that did this, but alas its dead. yours is the closes thing iv found (and iv searched…)

@ACreatorPT Oh so you want to see all the buy and sell orders for a particular deal? You can click the magnifying glass next to an order on my website and it’ll show you all the orders for that item.

Edit: Unless you just want sell orders in both cases and not buy orders at the destination. I have a feature in to let you choose down the line

@Rotsner_Deja no… atm in your tool when u select station to station it compares the prices of the sale order (and the buy station) VS the prices of BUY orders (at the sell stations). i want it to be able to compare SELL orders VS SELL orders. Idealy this would go farther and allow me to select what orders to compare from each station ( buy vs buy, sell vs sell, buy vs sell and sell vs buy).

just have a ticker next to the station to chose buy or sell orders.

@ACreatorPT I see. Yes, then as my above edit stated this is a feature in the works. I’ll keep you updated on its progress. Since this is the third request for it and If I find time, I’ll try to get this in next week. Shouldnt be too hard. Just need to move around some items behind the scenes.

@Rotsner Deja many thanks :smiley: it would be a lifesaver… later i can always beg you to just be able to filter just certain market categories… and later still fades away plotting

@ACreatorPT Haha I think my goal is to run through my backlog and then open source the project by year end for future features driven by the community. So I’m sure a request like that could be fulfilled by someone. I’d just like to cross off my list and move to my next hobby site, but you’ll definitely get that first request as I’ve had multiple asks for that recently.

@Rotsner_Deja can always make that a “premium option” for some monthly ISK. that would maybe make it worth it. I used to pay like 70M per month to use my other deceased website but it was tottaly worth. heck id pay 300M ezy per month if it had the same features xD

Is it possible to change the settings besides going back to the main page?

@Gadawan Not currently. It’s something I’m currently playing with behind the scenes.

The way it would work is Instead of clicking restart there would be a new search button that opens a pop-up to let people start a new query in the background with different parameters.

Definitely something on the radar just trying to finalize the workflow. Once I feel happy with it on all browsers I’ll release it and let you know.

im keenly waiting on this :smiley: