EVE will always be a nichè Game


Im talking about can-flipping, not NPCs.

Look, Ill grant you trigs only if they still dont show up on DScan by default.

But again, BY DEFAULT a new player can warp way from trigs.

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Crimewatch is a quality of life system that is serving everyone equally, making things transparent instead of hiding them from everyone, which is good.
Friendly fire the same. I think of them as UI improvements serving everyone the same, but for new guys the NPCs are harder than all the can baiting players, as they are offensive on default and nothing stops them.

About wardecs, new players start in NPC corps so that is not really applying to them.

So newbies?

So newbies?

Shifting goalposts now?

Understand this: can baiting can be performed today, you may expect similar results. You will turn yellow for the baited player. You can be legally engaged also with green setting. Its still decision of baited player to shoot you or not. After first time player can learn how the mechanism works and that its generally bad idea to shoot the baiter if he flies some ships. Just like before the crimewatch. Player learns game the same.

Trigs: New, multiple NPCs camping with scramming capabilities, webbing and neuting. They are by default attacking you. You may eliminate in beginning that thread only by going to very dangerous space in a frigate, without cloak and with very poor skills.
By nature of the amount of things shooting you, and that you have to learn first so much more, its harder just in beginning.

You have to put yourself in new player shoes.

No, can flipping that Romana is referring to is completely gone.

for everyone*.

Can flipping had nothing to do with the victim shooting.

I like how you completely ignored over a dozen points that have been raised and double down on the Trig thing. Not very comfortable with disconfirming evidence huh?

The yellow cans then? That was also player decision if he can take from can or no. Not nearly a learning curve expected from someone like with trigs.

Honestly all the traps and baits with or without the crimewatch are nothing like on scale what is happening with trigs.

Trgis are harder.

Except new players start default not being able to take from cans that don’t belong to them. This was not the way the game used to work. Newbies would get can flipped, not understand where their can went, see a new can, open it, see their ore in it, deposit their new load of ore - and get blown up.

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So after that new player would ask or read and know what do do next time, with ease, by not mining to a can or not taking from it.

Certainly a lot easier than what game expects from you with trigs.

Same with Trigs.

Do you have any further points, or are you done now?

Not the same as with trigs, with trigs you need to perform many more actions and learn much more about the game. So harder, more demanding.

Look, I might have missed it, I just dont know if Trigs show up on Overview by default, but if they do;

They are red on Overview

A new players reaction is warp away

Trigs on HS gates dont scram as far as Ive experienced, so really the new players reaction will be warp away?

You have ground on the ones that show up in belts, but I havent seen those in ages either, but I do concede they do kill pretty quick when they do show.

But I dont think even at the top of their game Trigs are equal alone to the reduction in initial difficulty thats being discussed.

If they dont show up on Overview by default, then yes, I suppose that arguably a big issue. But not really any bigger than just being randomly ganked.

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Trigs have killed 35,000 player ships since they were introduced. How long ago was that?

They scram. You just didnt met anchoring damavik there.
Randomly nobody ganks new guys in cheap frigate or cruiser fits that are worth half of that new person wealth.

Many people choose to make double standings with trigs, and its easier for experienced player, but for new player its hard. And the most hardcore thing is to shoot trigs while being new to the game, and take part in the fleets shooting them. This is the hard mode.

Yeah, but they do though.

Tbh Ive been up and down devoid, derlik, to jita nad back to amarr on the new road and in the last several MONTHS not seen a single wild trig out side of Gammel.

I think you have an exaggerated idea of how dangerous and frequent they are.

At least, they dont seem a threat to my auto piloting haulers

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All the Trig complaints are exaggeration. A small minority of very vocal and very snowflakey people whining.

They are most frequent around Jita, for obvious reasons. If you would go to Jita every day, you would see them more often. Every day few systems around Jita are with trig WHs and trigs randomly gatecamp gates from Jita. There are even players who bump the people so they cant warp out if there is no anchoring.

I do go there maybe once in a week or so, so maybe I dont see em, but then again (off topic as it is) I dont have any problem what-so-ever in people being dissuaded from visiting that scumhole in slumland.

You cant say “no one ganks newbs” and then use this.

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I didt wrote in that sentence anything about new players, mostly I have seen haulers, battleships or freighters bumped. Smaller ships are harder to bump because they move faster and have shorter align times, you should know it.

Also ganking and bumping for someone to be destroyed by NPCs are a bit different things. Technically.

I do know it, but a new player may not know that trying to get out of dodge with his AB on is a no-no

I also know new players, like my hauler alts, have Badgers often

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Made me think, I’ve spent the last mo in Gallente space doing standings repair and I have yet to even see a trig ship.

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