EVE will always be a nichè Game

Also Jita is the best place for a base if you hunt trigs. Just an advice for solo new guys out there who would probably never do it.

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I’ve spent many many many hours mining in HiSec (30b worth of mining) when moon mining went live in HiSec… and I think Trigs jumped on my fleet maybe 3-4x? And I made short work of them with T1 drones on Procurers. Haven’t seen a Trig in a long while.

I really don’t get the whining.

Just because you havent seen something, doesnt mean it doesnt exist. The zkill reports are not showing every trig kill also, you should know it.

Well if they were so common as to be a major enough problem that you’d make the serious argument that EVE is harder for newbies today then ever - despite at least a dozen changes that make the game easier for newbies pointed out to you - you’d think we would have encountered them.

At the very least, you have a pretty big burden of proof to satisfy, and thus far you haven’t.

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We all know it exists. And for a true new player, getting hit by one is like stepping on a land mine. But I don’t see any complaints on the forums anymore and I “think” ccp toned them down some. We know it happens, I just don’t think it happens enough anymore to be a problem.


In forums? You can hardly find a link on EVE page to forum these days.

Feedback is rather shared in rookie help channel.

And you’ve collected and collated this data to back up your claims, yes?

I didnt wrote that, but it is more visible to new players than EVE forums.

Okay, so you really have nothing to support your assertion that, :because Triglavians:, EVE Online is harder for newbies than ever.

Well, if you really want proof, you may go to Jita and spend them few days warping around it. If you still log in even.

So I have to hang out for days before encounter a Triglavian that may or may not scram me?

1 day even if you dont go blindly. Just check the EDI trig tracker. Its pretty poor, but sufficient to see where ttrigs may be right now, like 50% or so.


Sorry I’m a new player. I don’t have access to this “by default”.

You go there and see for yourself. Trigs are waiting.

Doesn’t seem very active. “Added 6 hours ago”, “added 11 hours ago” - are you sure this is a problem? There’s a few Jspace and LowSec systems. . .

Data is pulled from zkill, but it isnt accurate, because the kills are not showing most of the time there.
The most sure way is to see for yourself.
This is what zkill shows, but its not everything: Triglavian Entities | Group | zKillboard

So what I’m hearing is:

  • EVE Online is harder for newbies than ever
  • Because Trigs
  • No data to support this

Whatever, I see you see what you want to see.

If you would really want to know something about trigs, you would know by now.

Just like how you ignored over a dozen points that were raised…?

See for yourself.