EVE Workbench is a web based tool for EVE Online which we (Rivals of Promises) created to have more control over the market and to integrate all the different sorts of utilities (which we think are useful) into one big web based solution.
Currently EVE Workbench is in a alpha state and still under heavy development. But the market browser is stable enough to be shown to the community! Since we show the Sell and Buy orders its also a great tool for haulers!.
Current features
Market Browser; This allows you to search through the EVE Online market. All orders are continuously synchronised to provide a as much as possible up to date feed!
Because we are trying to create a great tool we also would like to know what you think about EVE Workbench and when you have ideas please put them in this thread or on our website!
Please let us know what you think about EVE Workbench and what you think what should be added!
Currently we are busy to develop a trade tool which gives you the best trades between two systems. In the version we are developing it will only be calculated between sell orders.
We already released a preview version on our website, but be aware that the calculations could be wrong.
Just a small heads-up, currently we are working on the Fittings module in our website.
You will be able to upload fittings using the EFT / PyFa file standard (which you can export with EVE) and share them on our website.
A small preview about how the fitting detail page looks like:
Added the estimated Jita price on every page where fittings are shown
On the detail page you will also see all items in the fitting with the average estimated Jita prices
Currently we are working on the EVE SSO so you can login to our website and upload all your fittings from EVE Online even easier! This will also enable a few new features for you guys such as rating a fitting (Reddit style up/downvote) and leaving comments behind at a fitting.
Also I do hope you guys are willing to help us to get more fittings on our website to make it more actual for the community