Event Award Claim Process / Completion Tracking / Grind

I chose to not accept stupid features just like that when better features were present in the past and when these new features actively disadvantage the users. You can chose to accept this behavior, I will continue to voice my disagreement over this attitude.

That is all nice and dandy, but instead of fixing this problem, CCP opted to not do that and instead blame the user for missing out on points because they cannot click fast enough. The complexity of a system is no excuse for disadvantaging your users. If it’s too complex, make it less complex.

During Vegas, CCP Shreddy said they introduced Click To Claim Rewards to measure intent. Again, I do not claim to understand coding and I do not care, but for my basic understanding you can measure intent by if someone warps into a particular event site and shoots event NPC. That’s how almost all these events work. Clicking to claim a reward in order to show intent is a poor excuse.
In order for CCP to measure your intent that you clearly show by repeatedly warping into and destroying event NPC, you have to suffer through clicking a button over and over again in a convoluted, clunky and slow UI and miss out on points just so that CCP can measure your intent. You said I would not trust CCP developers. When I hear things like this, it’s not hard to understand why I would not trust them.

The compromise is that CCP finally made it possible to click Claim in the Hud instead of opening the Agency. That’s something I constructively suggested as remedy in other topics. But you still have to click, you still get distracted from your surroundings because you have to click that button, you still potentially miss out on someone appearing in local or warping in to your site to attack you, you still miss out on the environment and potentially get stuck in huge structures and die because you needed the speed for the tank, which is a particular issue in abyssal space where you can’t get distracted or you die … all just because you had to pay attention to that small HUD section to not miss the Claim button too appear. That is a bad compromise. It’s also not just me who complains about this. There are numerous complaints about this “bug fix” on the official feedback topics, other related topics, on reddit as well, among other places. These complaints are about general community discomfort, not individual approval.

I’ll repeat what I suggested earlier then, that one option would be to move objectives further away from being short term and frequently claimable while running a site and closer to being handled between sites. Instead of incremental kill counts, sites complete would make better sense as objective. You pretty much nailed it on what makes the redeem method a problem for me now…the fact that it distracts from other parts of Eve that needs a great deal the players focus and attention. Making objectives more likely to be claimed while in warp to the next site or gate would better alleviate that frustration. Another thing I suggested was to make objectives less frequent matters by making them longer term so as to directly lower how often we need to click on a button to do the same thing.

And to be fair, I’ve seen quite enough complaints from players that centered almost completely on their disapproval of a feature without any suggested solutions. It’s just that it bugs the hell out of me is all, no offense. I’ve seen plenty of the opposite as well. Much of the ECM thread for instance is without a doubt senseless bickering and off-topic flinging, but even skimming though some of it reveals a number of feedback ideas and suggested avenues moving forward. I have no doubt many of the complaints for this topic are reasonable and well warranted. Maybe I’m simply more willing to settle on trusting CCP more to making the right call whether I or anyone else likes it or not or if the reasoning is not immediately obvious. To be honest, I cant’t really tell if I should find is rather silly we players get so riled up over a feature in a video game or if I should consider that just being evidence of players’ passionate desires for Eve to be better…to be worth playing for another decade and a half.

Anyways, I don’t mean to make it sound like I was zeroing in on you for that reason, you’re merely the unfortunate soul I happen to lock onto. I don’t do much more than lurk a little on the forums anymore but everytime I’ve come back I always seem to see more and more negativity and hatred directed at CCP because they didn’t do what everyone else thinks they should. At some point, the title of developer has to account for more than merely being the one’s responsible for coding…they also own Eve. They’re the ones driving the bus, not us. It’s pretty easy for us to forget that though, I think.

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