Event Feedback - Guardian's Gala 2019

Two trillions worth of ships lost to Angels in two hours since the event started. Way to go…!


ok so the astrahus requires 5 ors which you can’t mine, +12M for something that is not worth market 3M. Nice.

The event is boring. I’ll pass.


The ore is in the sites. I’ve mined a bunch, but the reprocessing yield is almost a farce- 2 units for 2k units of ore?

I can see how this is going to go, unfortunately.

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you also not assuming like the last event, the mining or hacking sides were friendly at all to alphas trying to use ventures and probe ships…

so much death just from warping


Ehm… I just warped in to a site at 30km and got stuck smack in the middle of the Pleasure Hub, with no way to fly out of it. My ship kept going back and forth. I guess I have to wait until the site despawns until I can get free again.

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that happened to me last event, gate put me in the middle of a refinary rig, since i couldnt move, the rats killed my myrmidon. Last event i also lost 2 tanked ventures by simply warping


typical… no tests on sisi = fail on live hard. Also these kind of bull*hit trade in stuffs for rewards etc etc is just a hardfail. CCP never learn.


Working as intended.

Don’t blame CCP when you suck.

lol, don’t you have some whine posts to make on how ganking is out of hand?


They do appear to be respawning, but seem to have a really bad respawn rate. I’ve found two so far.

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The event is horseshit…and thats an insult to the horse. (I do mean to be informative yet brief because I value the reader’s time.)


Though I agree with you on respecting the horse, I rather say the event is lacking some interest.

The matter is, after previous events this one seems lacking in taste. No salt .

I think the respawn rate is too low. I don’t know if you did it to foster competition, but I found 4 sites in two constellations. Each one had between one and three people in it. I know some people enjoy emergent PvP opportunities, but I like doing as little grinding as possible when I PvE. I do have a life outside of Eve.



Guardian Angels Barachael | Ship | zKillboard Guardian Angels Barachael is impressive

He’s killed 2,500+ ships and done 944 billion worth of damage this morning alone!

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Click Losses under the Barachael and it shows ’ Nothing to display here…

That should tell you something.

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And what does it say ?

Nothing. Its says nothing.

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1000 units of Amethystic Crystallite to reprocess into 2 units of Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls? Seriously? When one site gives you 2496 (not 2500, no, 2496) units of AC?