Event Feedback - XVI Anniversary Celebrations!

халявщиком?я про халяву говорил?еблан… я говорю про отношение пидорорзрабов к своим потребителям продукта.не придумывай то что ты говнюк хочешь увидеть. надеюсь я не ошибся и ты русский и прочтешь в полной мере моё мнение о тебе

I think you’re mistaken.

Last time I checked the Pirate munitions do more DPS than Faction munitions. They also cost a lot more and are much harder to obtain compared to Faction munitions.

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Technically you are both correct because there are two tiers of Pirate ammo (ie Blood vs Dark Blood) with Faction falling in between.


Thanks CCP for the goodies!


There are 2 types. The ones I listed are the worthless ammo types that drop with every faction spawn (Blood, Sansha, Arch Angels, Guristas and Guardian). Then come the navy ammo types which deal more DPS. And after that come the high value pirate ammo types that you refer to, Dark Blood, True Sansha, Domination, Dread Guristas and Shadow Serpentis. Or as Wanda’s picture says.

And I do not see any reason anymore why the low tier pirate ammo is worse than navy ammo. They should have the same stats and drop less often in order to not to interfere excessively with the Navy LP store. As it stands they are a waste of time (you have to check whether you really only got Guristas or whether it’s actually Dread Guristas in that faction spawn) and space (the clog up containers because you cannot use them unless you want to sacrifice DPS. There’s no reason to do that, though). This is not meaningful.

Furthermore, if these low tier pirate ammo types had the same stats as Navy Ammo, CCP could drop these pirate ammo types exclusively in events, which means they would not screw up the high sec missions runners of EVE with destroying the prices and people would get actually useful ammo. Pirate LP would also get a slight bump, but most ammo that is being traded with these LP is XL ammo, which means their LP are not impacted much by these event floods either.


You can always reprocess that ammo if you don’t find value using it. I think the lower tier ammo is still a valid choice for the tracking or velocity bonuses. I use up a lot of it in certain ships.

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Oh right, I forgot about the 2 different types of Pirate munitions.

So yeah I agree, since the lower level / type of Pirate munition is available from their LP stores, that actually makes it Faction munitions. Definitely should at least have the same stats as Empire Faction munitions.

The higher level / type of Pirate munition is more of a ‘special’ loot drop which is harder to obtain.

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The Tracking Speed and Range Bonus is the same for all 3 types, just the amount of DPS is different.

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They do not have any of that, though. The stats are all the same as Navy ammo except for the damage, which is lower. Just an example:

Name Type Explo Velo Explo Rad Max Velo Therm Damage Max Flight time
Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Assault Missile Faction 101 m/sec 125 m 2.250 m/sec 115 HP 4.00 s
Dread Guristas Inferno Heavy Assault Missile Faction 101 m/sec 125 m 2.250 m/sec 120 HP 4.00 s
Guristas Inferno Heavy Assault Missile Faction 101 m/sec 125 m 2.250 m/sec 110 HP 4.00 s

or an example which has a tracking bonus

Name Type Tracking Bonus Explo Damage Kinetic Damage Therm Damage
Arch Angel Depleted Uranium M Faction 1.2 x 6,60 HP 4,40 HP 6,60 HP
Domination Depleted Uranium M Faction 1.2 x 7,20 HP 4,80 HP 7,20 HP
Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium M Faction 1.2 x 6,90 HP 4,60 HP 6,90 HP

I do not see why one would sacrifice DPS.


Since the higher level Pirate munitions can only be obtained from ‘special’ loot drops, those could also be dropped in Events which would still keep those munitions ‘special’ without actually messing up the market / LP store.

They were in the last Daily Login even and are also this time. That’s why their price has crashed to nothing. I managed to get a nice couple hundreds of millions in the first even, but now the crystals are worthless. :smile:

Well, I haven’t really looked at what all is received from this Birthday event.

It’s not like this happens all the time and it is a ‘special’ event.

I don’t speak Klingon,sorry.

The dailies and giveaways always bring out the really cheery members of the community.
“I want more free stuff”
“I want better free stuff”
“I want more, better free stuff”
“I Want more, better free stuff and don’t want to even log in to get it!!”

CCP, thank you. It was a fun little thing to help recognize the 16th birthday. I appreciate it.


Did they change the ammo crates or do I somehow remember them wrong? I’m sure I used to get ammo according to race last time, ie. my Minmatar character got only projectile ammo. This time it seems it’s a random pick of anything I have the skills for.

It’s still free, ofc, and I can trade it so no worries. :smile:

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Yes. Exactly how you described it.

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That holographic Permaband skin for the Rokh. I see where CCP is going with that, and I like it.

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So I pull the stuff out of “redeemed items” or whatever and put it in my station inventory, and most of the packages have a “limited time” tag (blue, upper left corner, with a 1 in it) on them. What’s that about? If I just leave the package in my hangar, will it disappear at some point? If I wait and open it later, will there be nothing in it? What’s the deal?

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Basically that just means the item is only available for a limited time, such as during this event. After the event is over the only way to get those items will be to purchase them from Market or Public Contracts.

When the item is placed in your Redeem queue, it has a set amount of time for you to redeem it into the game, I think it’s like 180 days.

After it’s been redeemed into the game and is sitting in assets, it doesn’t matter if the package is opened or not, the item will almost always be available.

The only exception would be Boosters, those should be checked asap due to having an expiration date.


Sweet :ok_hand:


Thanks, I was hoping that was the case. :slight_smile: