Event Feedback - XVI Anniversary Celebrations!

That’s how it was years ago. If you had an active account, boom free stuff. That said, it is always nice to get free things. Here’s to many more years of Eve!

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Annoyed that the last day is locked out to me. Only found out about the login campaign today (due to real-life events, like work), and while normal item events are for a set number of days (and that, if you hop in a few days late, you can backclaim), I’m highly irritated that I’m one day away from the skill point drop, because the counter resets on downtime.

I’d get this sort of thing if this is what happened to Alphas only, but why do Omegas have to suffer too?

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correct the items go to the redeem tab with a countdown to expire

How do I catch up if I miss a day or two? The dev blog says the logins don’t need to be consecutive, but I’m not finding that to be true?

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You can’t catch up, if you miss a day … bad luck.

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You have 18 days to claim 16 gifts, so you can miss a couple of days.


Sure you can- the event lasts 18 days and you need to log in on 16 of those days. Miss one or two and you will still get all of the rewards. Miss 3 and you will begin to lose rewards from then on.


I think we were answering at the exact same time :slight_smile:

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Yup :smiley:


I can play eve on my phone with shadow tech. I assume your omega since you want the rewards. Its 35 bucks a month though

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so what times the reset in the UK for the next days collection as i got yesterday’s about 7pm GMT but i can’t redeem todays still so does it reset at 12PM GMT or the same time i redeemed the day before ???

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Thanks ccp…im an returning player after a long break and very grateful for these gifts. Cant comprehend why anybody alpha/omega wouldn’t be happy…seems to me you’re doing a hell of a job keeping this “old” game alive a well…Im hooked again :slight_smile:

People should appreciate the work you’re doing instead of allways complaining, sadly its more and more common in all games cros platforms :frowning:

I have a question though. The sp gift states in info it can be dragged to a character of selection. what does this mean?? I can’t make it work other than pushing redeem on my characher im logged on to, so how do you drag it?


When you are on the character select screen immediately after logging in, you can expand the redeeming queue at the bottom of the screen then drag the gift onto one of the characters.


Thanks :ok_hand:t2:


The skins being discounted to 16 plex is nice, but having it for a single ship really put a damper on it. You should make ALL skins of that type available. Ex/ Bloody Hands for the Rupture is available right now but not for any other ship. All other ships that can use Bloody Hands should be up for 16 plex as well. The single ship thing just makes it a waste of time to even check.

I was really looking forward to getting skins that are no longer available for certain ships and now I doubt I’ll have that chance as only 16 of the 100s of ships and skins will be available.


I can’t get the GM’s to fix my launcher, and that’s 4 days running now. no gifts for me

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Agreed. the last 3 days it’s been that Tengu jungle stripe skin (but just one color, not both the orange and green), the Triglavian skin that makes them look like dead fish… for the tech 2 logi cruiser… and now the Rupture Bloody Hands. I wasn’t checking before 3 days ago, so don’t know if I missed any impressive ones the first day or two of the sale if it was going before the Tengu day.

:::will keep checking every day, but has very little hope a skin I actually want for a ship I actually fly will be in the sale:::

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They’ve done something like this for at least 2 or 3 Christmases in the past 5 years. The first time they did it, the Yule/Yoiul lads or whatnot advent calendar, you actually clicked something on the EVE website, THEN went in game to get your stuff. But it was also a day by day thing, similar to the character select method.

But yes, I think this is the first time they’ve done it for anything other than Christmas, so the first time it’s been more than just one dump of gifts for the EVE birthday celebration that happens most Mays.

Except the next expansion, which I believe is coming May 28th, is going be the whole Triglavian Invasion thing. And since that’s kinda an ongoing new form of content, they may not feel the need to start it off with an event. But we’ll see.

I was expecting the Gureasters event this past April as we’ve had Guristas + March/April (Easter season) two years out of the last four… but alas, Gureasters 3 was not to be (yet…?).

That would have been nice. I seem to recall you could miss more than just 2 days back in the Christmas one, probably because CCP expected people to be on some vacations in December. I guess they feel May is a normal enough month to not give more leeway.

I have a corpmate who only started grabbing the gifts a day or two ago and he’s not gonna get the final day’s gifts either, you’re certainly not alone.

The main Christmas loot (from the final day’s gifts) was the booster that let you use 3 large skill injectors with no penalties (no matter what your total SP on that toon was) for the duration of the drug’s effects. This time around it’s the 1 mil SP. Very similar gift, but more direct this time (and just as good for a low SP alt on an account as for a high SP main).

Oh, it is indeed a clear attempt to boost login numbers, like all day-by-day giveaways beforehand, like the free SP from our first rat kill dailies we had a few years ago, and like the events…

… but they’ve been doing similar stuff since long before the PA negotations. See my above post about the Advent Calendar christmas gifts year.

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Woohoo! More useless ammo and more undue impact on faction ammo markets.

Speaking of useless ammo: When is CCP going to bring Arch Angel, Guristas, Bood and Sansha ammo up to the standards of navy ammo so that they can actually be used. These pirate ammos have lower DPS and otherwise lower stats compared to faction ammo. There is no point in even looting that because it’s nothing but a waste of valuable hangar space.