Event is not intended for alpha

Having to point out that stating a fact is not a claim to there “being a problem” is really getting stale.

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You do have a habit of stupidly claiming that non-problems are problems.

Points at the cloak thread

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…and fails to deliver a citation.

I spent a lot of time in that thread explaining that suggestions for improvements are NOT necessarily complaints about “problems”. Believing they are, or acting like they are for the sake of starting an argument, is probably one quarter the problem with this forum.


It could have been done. They could have done something with a special ore like the Halloween Event. That had minable ores, but inside the combat sites. Alphas could get at the stuff.

I could have seen them doing some easy ore based alpha stuff in High Sec, Mixed Ice/Ore for Omega/Alphas in Low, and then full on Omega level Ice in Null.

The only things the Alphas could possibly do in the Event was Combat Venture or Combat Industrial versus the Ice Miners. Which doesn’t really trade well to be honest.

Also the fact that one particular ship became an ICE field chainsaw during this event. [Endurance] Meant it was almost exclusively Omega only.

And then there was the mission system…oh good grief what a nightmare.

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My complaint about the current Guardians Gala 2021 event?

There’s not enough sites.

Seriously, in the course of my processing this event for the last few hours, I’ve been jumping up and down my choice empire space and found all of 3 sites, 2 of which were contested.

There’s not enough sites. There’s simply not enough sites.

That and the way the challenges are presented? For killing BOTH the Vindicator AND the Machariel emcee just to earn 10 points and reset the challenge sequence? I have a feeling that’s going to cause problems, especially considering the fact that fewer sites means more contests…If anything it should be either/or so players have the opportunity to earn points more frequently. Some of us want to do other things other than jump-jump-jump between systems all day long looking for those rare sites.


And this has what to do with Alphas? Seems better to start a fresh thread if you want to get any traction.

Same here, I have two friends that I play with sometimes but that’s it. Most of the time I like to wander around doing things by my self.
I more or less ignore most other people mainly because most of them don’t talk in local.

It seems as if you’ll find more sites outside of high sec. I’ve found low sec and wormhole systems with up to three event sites.

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Kaivarian_Coste , I have found up to 5 event sites in just one wormhole… that said they are all combat and way more dps , scramming, and warp disruption than the high sec sites … also spent hours trying to scan down event data sites … to no avail , 5 hours of scanning , 1 site literally out of maybe 10 wh scanned … may-be I’m just unlucky or as other people are discovering there needs to be a bit more sites added to the event …

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this is just a hunch, but i think wormholes with a low sec connection tend to be quieter, and more loaded with sites.

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good suggestion , was thinking that as well … will put that to the test over the next few days, and if there,s a change will post back … peace

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