OOC info
ISD pls no delete, contains information for players to find the RP mentioned in this and how to conduct it.
The channel this will be played on is called Colelie Memorial. It is used to simulate a memorial hall on a public structure in the Colelie system.
This is a purely chat RP event. Events to happen in space are not planned by the organizers (though we of course will not stop anyone else from having some!). For immersion, you can fly to Colelie and talk on local too, but this is not required. Keep the chat channel completely in-character; separate channel for OOC commentary and questions will be provided.
If chat RP events are new to you, Lasairiona Raske has written a short guide with “survival tips” for them. You can find it here: Lasa's Guide to Party RP
EVE is a PEGI-13 game and this is a public event. Keep adult content out.
This guide Elsey's RP Event Principles details things like how to create a fun event for your fellow players even when your characters are enemies, and how to resolve physical contact if it e.g. occurs to you you might want to punch that triglover / meddling fed / tribal barbarian in the face, or suddenly kiss them.
The request to not share recordings is also OOC. You can tell other people of the event, but I would ask logs not to be shared. I realize I cannot stop anyone and nothing in the Moot is considered secret or opsec, but my wish is that people and especially those new to RP can RP freely without having to be self-conscious about it ending up all over the interwebs.