[EVENT] Operation Starfall - Kahah

What people are telling you is to maybe pull your musclehead out of your arse and think for a bit. You want to fight the Empire and Kingdom’s navies and militaries? Then maybe you should try it in a way that you actually can.

This right here? This is just dragging way too much attention to the situation, forcing them to actually employ the force they are capable of and shutting down all our ability to do some good down there.

I can assure you, unless you have Shakor in your back pocket and Republic and Federation forces providing backup for you, you can’t take on any of these nations with even the slightest sliver of hope of doing any good. We’re gnats next to wargs, and if you force them to bite, they’ll pretty much ensure we can’t even do what good we have been doing.

No one’s faulting your willingness to do something here. It’s something that’s been in very short supply for a long time. However, perhaps try not to do something fuckin’ stupid like force the Khanid, Empire or CONCORD to start showing exactly why capsuleers aren’t even registering as threats to the nations.

Let’s try to do as much good as we can instead, hmm?

Edit: Plainspeech perhaps: Escalate, but do it gradually. Be loud. Keep up the pressure. Make New Eden watch Kahah, show that we won’t stop, and we might actually force those who can actually successfully pull something off to get off their arses and do something, before we force the Khanid and Empire to block that avenue entirely. Shakor, the Tribes and the Feds need to have all the excuses to not put force behind their demands stripped away, not more excuses for not doing it added, like they’d get if the Empire and Khanid clamped down fully on the situation.



More like ‘spirits below, whatever you’re gonna do, don’t advertise it, and don’t make it a big, singular target’. Crow about it after you do it.


You know, something about this stuck me as fishy, and I think I figured out what it was. Something that The Mittani once said to me has stuck in my head for a long time: (Speaking about Gevlon) “If he didn’t exist, we’d have to create him ourselves.”

The Khanid have been railing against the Ammatar for a while now, presumably as a way to hit at House Ardishapur. Now, what do we have happen? A brand spanking new capsuleer, with a lot of ISK to toss around–he can afford injectors to fly a freighter and buy said freighter. I never had that much ISK on day four. This so-new-he-squeaks capsuleer is also Ammatar and decided to turn traitor! Now, to “twist the knife” using another Mittani phrase, his naming convention is directly tied to Starkman Prime.

Moreover, this paint-still-wet capsuleer has a plan that is so stupid it could have only been worked out by a six year old with crayons. The likely outcome is a lot of Minmatar deaths and even more sympathy for the Khanid from the rest of the Empire. The Empire might fight amongst ourselves, but the moment an outsider gets involved, ranks close up.

If Armast Darkar didn’t exist, someone would have to make him up.


What is with you bloody Ammatar actively doing everything in your power to reinforce Chakaid’s “This is the Ammatar’s fault!” narrative?


He strikes me as a man who would sacrifice his mortal life and life earnings for the sake of a mere chance of saving innocent lives. What you speak may well be the case, though there is nothing wrong with it if so - in fact I’d dispute the opposite, this man deserves a medal for his support and scheme.

I for one look forward to shaking his hand, what ever the outcome. If Armast Darkar didn’t exist, you would have nothing to moan about today. You should appreciate that much alone. The lives of millions of innocents have been lost already and the chance to save some of the remaining is paved by this man and you slander him?

You are as bad as the Khanid scum indeed, I do hope to find you in space some day.

For pointing out that there’s something suspicious about a capsuleer who’s flying a freighter and importing a private army three days after graduation? I may not be the biggest fan of the people she works for, but she’s got a point. I wonder who’s actually behind this PR windfall for the Khanid? Who’s his sponsor?


You may all sit around and asking questions and bickering until every last slave on Kahah III is a pile of ash, I have more pressing matters to attend to right now in lieu of preventing it.

You do know that ‘in lieu of’ doesn’t mean ‘trying to’ or ‘working toward’, right? That you just said ‘I have more pressing matters to attend to right now instead of preventing it’?

Cuz that’s how you followed up scolding us for not doing anything (even if a number of us are doing things, we’re just not waving a big flag and saying ‘HEY! KHANID NAVY! LOOKIT WHAT WE’RE GETTING AWAY WITH!’).

“You guys can sit around bickering while everyone dies, but I’m gonna go do something in place of stopping it.”

Brilliant. Really.


These “people” need to stop making me cheer you on. Sefrim only know what is next… I might start agreeing with Mizhara.



  1. You know, meat from a juvenile bovine. In this case, obviously, with mustard.

OP is an exercise in poor operational security and needs to have never happened…

Del’Thul already agreed with me earlier. I feel the need to go to the pits.

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I believe the, oh what is it… ‘emoji’ for threads such as these one quite enjoys for the amount of bickering going on is this?


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Don’t be silly, popcorn’s not good with veal or mustard.

Somewhere a Blood Raider is laughing their bondage-gear-supported ass off at all of us right now.


I agree with del’Thul all the time, many days before breakfast.

It’s more worrying I find myself agreeing with Lok’ri here. Then again, maybe it was the Ammatar’s fault.

Oh dear gods, never underestimate the ability of capsuleers to moan. I am sure we’d invent something.

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Those who embrace the Lord
And walk in light
Shall be saved by His grace
For we are the shepherds in the dark
His Angels of Mercy

Those who turn away from the light
And walk in darkness
Shall be stuck down by His wrath
For we are retribution incarnate
His Angels of Vengeance

  • Scriptures, Book of Reclaiming 4:45

That might be more a trait of “people” than capsuleers particularly. Actually it might be possible to describe most political systems on the basis of how patient we are with the moaning, and who from.

Feudalism: moaning from social superiors will be heeded and official moaning will be dutifully echoed; moaning from immediate subordinates might be heeded; moaning from distant subordinates will normally be ignored or suppressed, but can strengthen the effective moaning-level of a liege. An unhappy fiefdom moaning in unison with its lord moans more loudly than an unhappy lord alone.

Corporate meritocracy: moaning from within one’s own corporation and particularly corporate subdivision may be heeded and may even result in promotion for the moaner if the moaning is incisive, but moaning is generally discouraged and moaning that gets outside attention is definitely discouraged. Moaning from outside the corporation but inside the system will get attention (not necessarily positive for either corporation or moaners) if it’s audible; moaning from outside the system will generally be ignored if no legal liability will attach.

Democracy: everybody’s moaning is theoretically equivalent, but you’ll get listened to the most if you can get a lot of people moaning in unison, ideally across multiple jurisdictions. Tactics for accomplishing this vary. Poor people generally moan empathetically/numerically; rich ones moan monetarily.

Tribal state (tentative): moaning may be heard within one’s own tribe, but will be more muted outside of it. Practically, the system is not specifically set up to be responsive to any particular moaner’s concerns according to any specific metric, so moaning is best conducted noisily in order to draw official attention.

Dictatorship: moaning is discouraged and will be ignored unless its volume becomes bothersome or dangerous.

Sabik dictatorship: as above, but moaning may be actively induced to display power and control. Perversely, would-be moaners are tacitly encouraged to instead express their dissatisfaction by seizing power and causing others to moan, in turn. Moaning, therefore, is generally held in contempt as proof of weakness.

Hive mind (tentative, but who really wants to find out?): moaning predominantly lives in exile in the dark exiled/excised reaches of individual minds. Members with broken minds moan without cease, but silently, forever unheard, and therefore without weight or meaning. Those with more intact minds experience unity, instead, with a joyful/worshipful chorus that will even face starvation without complaint. These intact minds can moan freely, but have limited reason to.

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There are many gods in this universe
And the Amarr God is the most powerful of them all
But strength does not equal goodness
And might does not make right

I freely and completely renounce the Evil God
I will not follow His followers
I will not obey His commandments
I will not fear His punishment

I stand here, on this day
Surrounded by my kin
And I shall forever
Be free

(trad, Sb., Mikramurka)