WHAT: Concert with the band that made Vherokior throat singing popular
WHEN: 19-01-YC122 at 19:00
WHERE: Nakugard VI ((Channel: The Kalka Plains))
WHO: Everyone*
I have finally secured a gig with one and only band that made Vherokior throat singing popular across the cluster. On these boards they became known with their so called Khanidmusic, and now it is your chance to come and get a taste of the traditional music of my tribe. So, mark your calendar on the 19th this month and start practicing your headbanging.
Everyone is invited, however it will take place in the Republic so individuals who are openly hostile to the Republic may face difficulties. That being said: This is first and foremost an event built on Minmatar traditions. Respect towards our culture and heritage is a requirement.
More information on the location will follow soon.
-Mizhir Devara
Mystic of Clan Ra’esji, Vherokior Tribe
Well it has been seen previously in history that empires absorb cultural elements when their conquer foreign land, so it is natural that someone want to adopt elements from Vherokior culture.
It should be quite a show Archbishop. WHile throat singing is present in multiple cultrues, this one in particular sings about many thing sacred to our people, particularly the wolf, for which my own clan is named. I look forward to seeing you and helping broaden our cultural horizons together!
So to bring this back on track.
Mizhir I’m glad to see you doing this, I only heard them once then they played in new Hueromont almost half a year ago. and I must admit I find their music enticing for a Vherokior band
The concert will be taking place on Nakugard VI. Clan Ohiyaya of Krusual Tribe has been generous to let us use their land for this event. The location is perfect for guests from both the Republic and the Federation and is still fairly central for everyone else.