[EVENT] Vigil Above Kahah

If you aren’t responsible for their situation, why do you need to be brave? You would need to be brave to face them if you played a part in causing this, which you did not.

It’s hard to face life’s horrors, bravery shouldn’t be required any more than it’s brave to do anything hard.

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I tried to stop it. I failed. I realize you might say it’s nothing to be ashamed of; it was impossible to begin with. There’s more to it than that, though, and anyway …

… it’s not just shame, Deitra. It’s also a little bit …

There’s a quality to looking into the face of someone who’s lost everyone, or almost everyone, they knew or loved that’s like driving a jagged iron spike through the palm of your hand. Or, at least, of mine. It’s something I’ve dealt with before a time or three, usually Mr. Nauplius’s victims. It’s part of why I looked at him as being “my business” even if a lot of other horrors weren’t. It hurts … more than any physical wound I can remember having received.

It’s part of why I know Isha’s wrong and I’m not a psychopath. 'Cause empathy hurts. And right now I don’t think I can take that kind of pain, or want to get so deeply involved in such a thing. So even if it shames me even more I’m being a coward and leaving that side of it mostly to Garion while I hide back at home.

It hurts. But not as much as it would.

Still, I’m so sorry.

… but I just can’t.


I know I’m probably butchering this saying, but have you ever heard the phrase “the weak gravitate towards strength?” Keep that in mind if you don’t mind.

You failed right, In your eyes at least? Admitting your failures is a sign of strength, strength in the sense you can take a less than desirable outcome and grow from it.

You know to some extent their pain, you can relate to some degree and can sympathize. Empathy, another strength.

You failed with the butcher and his towers ect. This happens and your back at trying to help. Perseverance, another strength.

These people lost everything, in their current state they are in a weakened state. You are strong, show it. They are weak, they need all the strong figures they can get in their time of need.


Ah, Aria, I was talking to Pol. I can’t tell him he shouldn’t want to blow up the people he holds responsible—even just for supporting the system—but I can tell him he shouldn’t make his objection about their faith. Because that’s not what their deaths were about.


The events in Kahah were a true tragedy, really horrendous.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all the dead.

I would like to thank everyone who came out to the event today to show their respects. The diversity of those who attended should speak loudly about those things we stand together on, no matter what else we may disagree on. May God’s light continue to shine and illuminate the darkness.


"O for a voice like thunder, and a tongue
to drown the throat of war! When the senses
are shaken, and the soul is driven to madness,
who can stand? When the souls of the oppressed
fight in the troubled air that rages, who can stand?

When the whirlwind of fury comes from the
throne of God, when the frowns of his countenance
drive the nations together, who can stand?
When Sin claps his broad wings over the battle,
and sails rejoicing in the flood of Death,
when souls are torn to everlasting fire,
and fiends of Hell rejoice upon the slain…

O who can stand? O who hath caused this?
O who can answer at the throne of God?
The Kings and Nobles of the Land have done it!
Hear it not, Heaven, thy Ministers have done it!"

(trad, Sb.)

((actually William Blake))


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