Eve's missing feature: Casual MOBA

The dueling system can be massively improved.

Right now it just gets ruined by 3rd party interactions.

I think it would be good if a duel would create a subspace pocket that is difficult to reach for people not involved in the duel. (this would require some mechanics to prevent abuse by using it as a hideout though, perhaps restrict these duels to specific systems?)

Yes this sounds restrictive, but currently duels are just pointless.

It could also be expanded to allow for small fleet battles.

MOBA = masses of carebears dieing to disco at the entrance.

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I like this idea and I don’t share any anxieties about the game becoming dull because of it …

IF it is reasonably limited to how the Alliance Tournament or EVE.NT work.

That means:

  1. No PvE connected to it
  2. No fancy or funny stuff
  3. A mandatory entry barrier

Right now you have duels as a mechanic and if not in HS, you could theoretically organize a meeting of two groups somewhere in space for a match, like hooligans do in real life. Also there is the Alliance Tournament and it was extremely popular. I don’t think anything else EVE-related gets this many viewers or players together so consistently.

Why not do the following:

  1. During two or three timeslots a week, there will be a Tournament-style area.
  2. Whoever wants to fight in there, has to pay a small amount of PLEX
  3. There will be rules and if people don’t comply, they are out and lose their fee
  4. Option to choose between a small number of rulesets
  5. Whoever wins, gets to keep their PLEX plus that of the others and any loot before timer X is over
  6. Lossmails are real, besides the rules game mechanics are the same
  7. No interference by the audience during the fight
  8. No safe passage to the staging area, this is EVE after all

Think of it as the sort of PVP for people who enjoy a tight fight once in a while. Think of it as an advanced group-based dueling system, the big sister of the current dueling system.

I can only see advantages. It cannot compete nor does it interfere with EVEs complex PVP environment. It has no implications for PVE whatsoever, apart from additional losses which are good for the game economy. All game mechanics still apply, so these fights are certainly not no-brainers, on the contrary. They are for people who really just want to fight and want the fight to be a challenge of pilot skills and fitting wits. Other fights, which take more emphasis on cyno-range, bait and political strategy will happen nonetheless.

In the minimalistic way I described it, I am pretty sure it would be great.

The only way I would support this is if friendly fire is enabled.

Just going to advertise this now…

If this is ever implemented I’m willing to awoxx for a reasonable fee to garauntee your team a win.

Then I would probably leave this game because it had finally turned into the what the rest of the MMO’s have turned into because the people who left those crappy MMO’s for this unique one demanded the very things which caused them to leave the last one.

Its like Californians moving to Colorado to escape taxes then implementing the same policies which caused high taxes in California.

These things destroy communities (see WoW) unless the game is specifically built around this feature.

If you people want that, go to a different game so you don’t ruin this one.


I think your worries are unrealistic. Granted that it depends highly on the specifics, there is not one thing not already existing in EVE. Already now, players can fight pre-arranged fights, be it during the AT or if they agree on one outside of any tournament. There even is the dueling mechanic, which many people in highsec seem to use. The only thing that would differ from now is that if you pre-arrange a group fight outside of highsec/wardec/dueling mechanics, other people could always intervene. However this is currently just a question of organization. The entire idea would just ease on the effort for players to get such fights, if they want them. And yes sure, awoxing would be possible, but I don’t know if I like the idea of randomly generated teams… actually I don’t. People either come as teams or solo, but random team generation would be stupid. I guess that would be one such specific thing that can’t be allowed or it would take away the entire social aspect of finding groups to fly and fight with.

you realize the AT costs real money for your team to participate right? or at least the PLEX quantitive version of real money.

Yeah, so what’s wrong with having a similar mechanic for this idea here?

I’m not down with the MOBA idea built into EvE.

Imagine this:
A team of 5 people enter a protected wormhole… in basic corvettes.
You now have 2 hours to make your equipment - including resource gathering, research, manufacturing.
Blueprints (special unresearched BPC’s) would be available for ISK.
Research and manufacturing times would be shortened quite a bit.

After 2 hours, you enter another protected wormhole where you see the opponents for the first time.


Observers make bets.


I could go with something like this.

–Odds on Team Gadget

Actually… have the teams fight over the resources as well.


I know how this would end.

Lots of wannabehonourable pseudoPvPers flocking into systems with such arenas, constantly being attacked by wuicide gankers, until the unskilled honourables who seek fair fights cry so loud and so hard, big brother CCP jumps in and protects them from those who teach them how much they actually suck at surviving and combat.

And THAT’S a safe bet.

First I have say the OP is right… If Eve wants to stay relevant, it fas to add new stuff… Mostly to attract new players.
Second… The others are right… The idea does not fit into the Eve universe…

yes there is a big but…

But if this is implemented as a battle simulator, this could actually work. The graphics should reflect the virtual nature of the battle simulator. I imagine the same looks as the fitting simulator with more hollywood-like graphic glichyness.
It is more like playing Lasertag with spaceships.
So entering the simulator would cost a fee and you don’t win anything.
This can be sold as a commercialized Concord Battle Simulator that was meant to train rookie pilots.


Very interesting thread. From what I am seeing, BOTH sides have valid points, the side that says that fairer and easier to access fights are needed, and the side that doesn’t want to the open-world nature and one universe/shard nature of EVE be corrupted.

Personally, I thought the ONLY place in EVE where you could do something like what the OP and some others in the thread propose is FW, because there you actually have the assurance of two teams actually fighting, and not just trolling, one another…

But I have to say, that idea with the temporary wormhole has enormous potential…

Anyway, I have a feature that could make OP happy and not ruin the open-world nature of EVE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSG1Awqf0mHCqMFP-HQd3bBoi7KgshB6R5Iog3FH2IeonGWBzrOdKfqvuaMJ53H0YjNDs5U91JiYTcf/pub

Been trying to push the thing for a while and will keep doing so, but things like that wormhole idea and Market-based Point Balance shows that there is something that can be done in EVE for that kind of features, imo.

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They did.

Exhibit a: Cheat-stix.

Now you can fly zee titan after the character creator and get bored in only 2 hours. Killing the game by 2 day old noobs with zee titans should bring much new players or something.
They fly zee titan and need new stuff after only 2 days - weeeeh.

Much success.

Exhibit b: The moon-conspiracy
Make moon-drills to make much gooodererererer moon-pooh.

Turns out only this one goon in a venture is mining moon-poo every 6 weeks. Now all players have to suffer the increased tech 2 price increase and sooper dooper carrier rat even more all day.

Exhibit c: Player count lower than ever

After the much success of the agency and the daily cheat-stick for noobs and not so noobs to do everything forever for free™ and the fobs and other not so good additions that should drive everyone to goons online, goons need more currency, much, much, much more currency.

Exhibit d: spam-errm citadel spam online

After the much success of spam- oops citadel on all the gates and wormholes and in warp between gates with many bubble traps to create more station vs player or svpppp where citadel spam is the new server versus player IWIN button, your latest city in space can now fight for you and you don’t need to anymore.
Place your citadel at any gate or wormholes and of course another 7000000 in between all the gates, so NOTHING can go wrong with your pve and svpppp station.
Spam your city on space today. No need to learn sooper complicated server versus player stuff - just press IWIN and become zee hero or something.

Exhibit e: Remote control server versus player IWIN machines

Make carrier and sooper doopers like Battlestar Galactica. Let your battlestar fight for you from 902346702845781379136479654 lightyears away in total safety and never risk a ship again. Just unleash your hounds and let them fight for you while you watch a strimm and become zee goodestestestest server versus player in zee world.

Don’t know how to fight more than one frigate?

Has new anti-frigates XL turret or exhibit f: haw we shouldn’t have done this

You know this problem? Your titan cannot hit zee frigates :frowning:
Now! Has anti-frigate gun :smiley:
For the more adventures bots that input broadcast 7000 titans but always wanted to shoot zee frigate, now you can and all you need to do it press FONE.

Join goons- ermm EVE naow and sponsor goons with your cash - they need it.

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I like the idea of an Eve MOBA. A lot of players miss out of this type of mode in the exclusive alliance tournament. The thunderdome type arena set up would be great.

Many of the people who generally oppose to this idea, not just some specific over the top version of it, are actually PVP carebears, who enjoy their safe space. They don’t want to adapt, they don’t want CCP to change the Meta more quickly, because they had fun doing the same thing for years now and want to continue doing it. The bias that comes with it, is unbreakable even by the soundest of logic.

EVE already is a casual MOBA, with completely mapped-out win-strategies and stale Meta, when it comes to ganking, deccing, camping and a lot of forms of dropping on people. It’s not wrong that these options exist, but they are too boring for most people. If CCP would get much more courageous in regards of constantly throwing ship- and mechanic-changes at us, there would be no need for any kind of MOBA-like arena. If things stay stale as they are, changing the rules in a certain area of space might be the only way to make things interesting again. That being said, I prefer for CCP to make drastic, courageous changes to mechanics and ships once a month and let us figure out what to do with it.

Myself I play Dota2 to take care of my needs for instant and balanced games where it’s easy to go and get a matchup without the time it takes to get into fights in Eve. I find in Eve the interest of doing things in large scale, where actions have longer lasting consequences and possibilities to affect to others gameplay in a more drastic way. The thrill of combat when either winning or losing in Eve is much bigger than in Dota2 is much bigger, because of the losses/lootz and the time taken to prepare for a fight.

At the same time I also find it daunting always now and then when I can go for hours looking for content and can’t find any, I still wouldn’t want the content to be without consequences.

Don’t make eve into what its not… Go to dota or smite if you want moba…
Eve don’t need this and should not have this, it would completely ruin what is now.

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