Eve's War Dec Groups and who are they

I had revisited what you had said on evemail and was able to do a little recon about something that Blackflag had done some months ago to a Corp and it stands clear that large corps just want to bully the smaller ones. So my decision to join that weekend war was fun content and Frostpacker will now be looking closer at who Blackflag wardecs to bully in the future.

Not saying they bully or not but there surely are groups that grief and bully much more than BL . In my new eve corp asshat scale BF don’t even have a hat.

Of course things change, do keep us updated if you find new info

Sure go right ahead.

I am busy removing structures from Sobaseki and Saatuban one of which is a 1 man corp. Ally up and defend them.

And because it is a 1 man corp it is suddenly automatically being a bully right?

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Funny that you mention that.

I have alliance called EdenCommies.

But lets not compare me to a real life person that caused real suffering to people.

And all of the non-consensual PvP grief doesn’t? Hypocrite!


Like I said.

All you did now was derail and make this thread inappropriate.

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That is not the reason and you should know that already before asking such but seeing you started to mention such are you able to answer here does Blackflag do griefing type war decs?

We all know there is a reason why a war dec is declared and as the opening thread asks “list of all the corps that do griefing type war decs in high sec

The very 2nd post I had came forward to comment that Frostpacker had done just that bullied a corp for no reason other than they had not logged on for some time.

Are you able to share with us why is Blackflag “removing structures from Sobaseki and Saatuban?”

No one wants to acknowledge the big pink elephant in the room and admit that technically every single war is a “grief” war because CCP in their limitless wisdom transformed the war declaration system into this deformed monstrosity, and took away the few remaining reasons (reasons, not excuses) to attack other players in high-sec outside of maybe for-profit ganking (a form of genuine piracy).

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Because paying customers don’t like competition. And the other belong to an alliance that tries to hide that another structures in a corp belongs to them (an Alliance) that went after another structure that we defended.

Githany Red I think you are correct with that assumption and now also how Destiny Corrupted had shined the light into my eyes I am no longer in the dark.

Kane if I may have offended you in anyway it is still open for discussion.

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One man corp owning structures all need to be purged, we all know what they mean . They are probably responsible for the spam problem too

That is one thing I wish players understood about BF. We are mercenaries, we get paid for what we do. If a structure owner gets decced by BF, they are welcome to check out channels, forums, etc. to hire their own mercenaries to counter us. Or even better, they can simply contact BF as soon as they put down a structure and arrange a long-term protection contract. Not only does that ensure they won’t get decced by BF, it means we will show up to defend their structure if someone else wardecs them. It is probably the best investment a HS structure owner in Eve can make if they don’t want to or cannot handle their own defense.

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Such a strange thread. There’s no such thing as a “griefing” war dec, it’s like complaining that someone shot you in call of duty multiplayer.

The whole point of the system (as poorly implemented as it is) is to foster proper competition in highsec. Sure, one can decline to be an aggressor, but disingenous to claim that pacifism is the morally righteous position when they are literally making themselves “war eligible”.

You don’t really see this phenomenon in other games. The closes parallel I can think of are sandwich heavies in TF2, yet I’d say Signal Cartel are a closer comparison to that: at least they’re openly performative in their pacifism, and use it to further a public good rather than sitting around oblivious and clutching at pearls.

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I’ve always found that one of the most intriguing things about EvE, and Highsec ganking in particular. I’ve played plenty of games with PvP, and people talked trash, but it was understood that PvP was the game. However, in EvE, there is this weird subculture of carebears who insist that PvP is griefing, which is frankly absurd.

I’ve talked about this a few times, but it’s also a common phenomenon in PvP survival games.

Isn’t it just.

At it’s core it’s like loading into a free-for-all deathmatch, and making it your objective to protect people who went AFK, but only under the stipulation that you don’t fire the first shot.

What’s so strange is that given so many of the carebears are oblivious to the situation, it becomes a thankless sideshow most of the time.

Whats your discord link Mr. Itzimaru?


In almost all PvP/PVE MMOs its like this.

Can you imagine the bears of care playing 97 UO? There was a literal thieving skill and you could steal stuff from other player’s inventories LOL.

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Hmm a sort of transporter that can teleport stuff out of a ship’s cargo hold perhaps? :thinking: Just imagine all the tears. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk: :popcorn: