[Excubitoris Chapter] Duty and Service to Amarr

Hate to say it, but this is correct. As someone who bled for a year over Flos right beside you, it pains me to see demands in bad faith. “Do as I say, not as I do” is what we get from LiP, and demands to follow that line from House Newelle in exchange for, what? Pleasant words of attempting some diplomacy to cool the rhetoric you’ve so happily contributed to, and done little to abate so far? Promises of vague leverage over an individual all too ready to throw you, personally Aldrith, under the bus at the first hint of insubordination over recovered Minmatar fighters?

Give me a break. I’m tired of a knife being stabbed into our back, and so soon, after going to bat for you so hard, and all the goodwill in the cluster we could give for hopes of your future success.