No. Because you seem to be operating on an idea that the debt so society ends at complete conversion. It does not. The debt to society never ends, not even for the highest of Holders.
We are given great rewards as a class, but it is in return for a family history of great service to God and to Amarr and in expectation of a future career of equally great service that justifies the reward.
A Holder who just accepts their reward without also accepting the obligation to maintain and enhance the strength of their holding so that it can provide service to Amarr deserves to lose their rank and privilege.
On the other end, a serf who serves a holder is also given a place in the society of faith that is based upon their ancestor’s deeds. Their starting point is inherited, where they end up is earned. If they exceed the expectations for their station they should be promoted to whatever position allows them to best serve Society. When a Holder lies and tells faithful slaves that they are actually criminal slaves, that Holder steals from society as a whole by wasting a resource that could have made Amarr stronger.
As for generational sin being an old concept, you are somewhat correct, it is an old heresy. What is new is the heterodox idea that it exists, but can be worked off and that it diminishes with time in some way. What’s new is any idea that it’s somehow something that can be diluted through sufficient mixed blood, which is just absurd and I am sorry to hear you were ever taught such nonsense. But that hard version of Generational Sin that predates the transactional redemptive variation is an old heresy, not an old orthodox belief. Their views were first rejected before Amarr were even in space. There would be no Udorian Saints, or even freed people. if their view of inherited sin had been accepted.
The True Amarr are chosen in Orthodox Amarr belief. From what I see, you see their being chosen as a condemnation of everyone else, rather than an elevation of those whose ancestors were chosen to be the last surviving bearers of the true message of God.
We are chosen to do a great task on behalf of the divine, but that does not mean that those we saved from the dark are dirty or impure. Far from it, the many true faithful who have been liberated from the darkness of the Long Dark, are an incredible gift to Amarr and they are most certainly not impure.