Experienced producer/all-rounder looking for well-organized production corp

Hello there,

I am looking for a well-organized production corp to support with my industry skills. PI skills maxed out, maximum R&D agents in progress, reprocessing skills improving.
Station, corporation, and fleet management maxed out. Can fly anything sub-capital, Carrier prepared.

Looking forward to find more purpose in the game.

Hey, we are just starting in High Sec and recruiting: GDawn :slight_smile:

Hello Duchesse Gemory,

thanks for your hint, but I am looking for something bigger and preferably more settled corp.

sure, good luck with your search! :slight_smile:

check us out!

[Spr1nger](Join Primal Instinct! (PvX; Null; Mining; Indy) [Init])

I was gunna just pass up your post, but your final statement made me want to know more about what you mean by that?

A large, well-established org… How would more of the “same old” help you “find more purpose”? I am recruiting certain people- that’s why I am here. But I am just curious what you mean- legitimately.

Fly safe!