Exploration blues: So null space is basically untravelable


I do that once in a great while. More specifically, I live in HS but go explo for several days at a time via wormholes and just flow with it, go wherever they take me NS included.

Ok, so as others have stated you need interceptor or T3. For explo you need the T3 cause of the bonusses. You need to have the nullifying sub-system and the covert sub-system.

The remaining sub systems to your liking, I usually go with whatever gives me the best slot layout.

You low slots should be fitted for alignment. Stick 2 or 3 T2 or faction inertia dampeners in there. T2 is cheaper of course.

Make sure you have a covert cloak device fitted and know how to use it to its fullest potential before you go. To the fullest, I mean cloak on warping out, and cloak on realigning even if not warping. Understand how objects and ships around you affect this. You can practice in HS on busy gates.

Learn to warp to what is most in front of you. This is very important. Aligning to something tahts 180 degrees off from direction you are facing takes your full align time. Aligning to something that is only a little bit off is much much faster. Again, practice this in HS before you go.

The optimal alignment combined with cloak on warp and with nullifier sub system will help you get away from vast majority of people trying to catch you. The only ones that will be able to catch you will be the ones that are fitted for insta or almost insta locks. You’ll just have to target them also and unload, overheat your weapons immediately and hope for the best. Alternatively, you can fit an ECM or dampener to your ship, but without ECM or dampener bonusses that’s kinda hard to get effective use out of it.

Do not use warp core stabs because they give you target lock penalties. Real bad freagin penalties that will force you to sit there for a long, long time while locking on cans to hack. This no go. You need to get in and out ASAP, very quick.

Before you start any of the sites or even before you launch your probes, warp around the system a couple times and make some bookmarks. Don’t forget you can make bookmarks while warping in middle of your warp route. This is very important.

If at all possible, make a bookmark or 2, at 15+ AU of any station, planet, moon, asteroid belt or gate. This is also very important because people fly between those points vast majority of time and D-Scan range is 14.4 or 14.8 AU ( I forgot which). This gives you a safety bookmark out of their d-scan range.

Have your Align, Warp to, orbit, and cloak (whichever slot it is on your fit) hot keyed, this is very important. Also, set up your default orbit distance and your default warp to distance, make sure your warp to is not at zero. This way when there is an anom or some point close to being in front of you, you just select it on your screen and hit that hotkey super fast while you hit your cloak and go to the distance from it that you set up. I recommend 75 km because most people warp to at 100. When you land and are still cloak, pick a random up or down direction and go, but dont drop your cloak.

Hope this helps you out a bit, added edit to put in my Tengu fit. Its weird. Yes it has a cargo expander in it, like I said, I go for couple days at a time, so I use the extra cargo space, works for me. Its not a fighting ship, its made to take out some minor rats group or 1-2 mid size rats, vs players its built to basically get away. Check it out, you can of course use whatever you like, but this does work. You can replace RLMLs with HAMs but then you have to add missle precision modules to hit small targets and kill them quickly and dump the ECMs which I don’t like because then I’m more vulnreable to single target scrams.

[Tengu, Weird Tengu]

Signal Distortion Amplifier II
Inertial Stabilizers II

Multispectral ECM II
Multispectral ECM II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Medium Shield Booster II
Relic Analyzer II
Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner

Sisters Core Probe Launcher
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II

Medium Particle Dispersion Augmentor I
Medium Cargohold Optimization I
Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints I

Tengu Core - Obfuscation Manifold
Tengu Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration
Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay
Tengu Propulsion - Interdiction Nullifier

Sisters Core Scanner Probe x16
Inferno Fury Light Missile x1200
Nanite Paste x400

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Wouldn’t happen, the bonus does matter less than you think with good skills in-game and RL. The small edge of scanning and hacking time is compensated by the travel speed and ease of travel with an interceptor.

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Join one of the corps that owns the space you want to access.

Those players are guarding their territory, either join someone, get territory of your own or stay in LS/HS.

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I ain’t seein’ masses of people complainin’, so …

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Lots of great advice. Thanks everyone.

I was thinking of a special pod, different from the standard pods. Looks just like all other mods so nothing making it distinguishable except for the fact that if destroyed, it will go off like a super-nova smart bomb damaging, if not killing the surrounding ships.

It’s a nice balance if you ask me. “Do I pod or not pod this guy?” Making the tension in the game all the better.

I’m sure they would start off prohibitively expensive on the market, but revenge is sweet.

Where do I submit ideas to CCP?

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It’s not too hard if you know what you are doing. I do nullsec exploration in an astero and I can evade camps and hunters relatively easily. Know the area where you are, know which gates are usually camped, have safe spots and instadock bookmarks. Usually camps will be on gates that are out of d-scan range of other warpable places (>14 AU) just warp to a planet or something first before going to these. Most importantly though, NEVER go straight from null to jita, you will almost certainly encounter camps. Instead go to a system in hisec with a hisec route to jita first.

It’s a remarkably silly idea, not least because it’s not at all balanced. The opportunity for using this ‘super nova’ effect in a fleet battle just as one example. How big would the explosion radius be - since if you get killed in null-sec, most of the time it will be from long range.

Another thing to think about is that if you discourage people from podding you in null-sec or wormholes, you will have a very, very long trip back to suffer at capsule speeds. Being podded is a mercy out in the null regions. A pod can’t scan a way home from a wormhole.

If you want revenge, either don’t get killed in the first place, know how to fight back, or get back into a new ship and shoot them in the face.

Just saying that the cloak warp trick doesn’t work with bubbles.

The op should use bms to avoid the bubbles. I cloaky ship will help. But t1 exploration ships are cheap and disposable.

It might not let you warp away, but the MWD / CLoak trick is definitely your best bet at not getting decloaked while you slowboat out of the bubble.

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