Extended Downtime Notification - 10/03/2020

Seven of 12 thinks that the new item notification in cargo should have a disable option. A suggestion, perhaps the red dot can be tied to the tutorial and will automatically disengage after the player has completed all the career missions or some such madness. It was a good idea but for an experienced player it is quite annoying and distracting. It definitely would have been helpful in my first few days of game play but by now and definitely after day 3, I am fully aware of what I just placed in my cargo hold. Please don’t give the devs who came up with this too much of a hard time, its a good idea that needs some refining to become more effective in its intended purpose and not be a nuisance.

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Eight of 12 is an idiot, red dots are the best thing ever! I never said any of that for which you have quoted me.

How long is soon? Or is it another lie to keep the customers happy?

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so they going to popup the patch notes when i would like to know what will be in this bug storm so have a bit of warning

No more red dots! :red_circle:
Perhaps a red dot memorial in Jita? Or how about red dot ships skins?


Keep Red Dots great?

Has soon happened yet? I couldn’t tell as the red dots in this thread seem to be as useless as they are in game.

WTB patch notes soon™

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Give us something new, instead of taking everything we enjoy away…


:red_circle: :red_circle: :red_circle: :red_circle: IT found his way back!!


It can’t stop !!


fortunately it should only last 30-45Min … I hope it will not last 10 days … or so our server caught the coronavirus? :sneezing_face: :nauseated_face:

The red dots epidemic escaped from EVE and is spreading all over the world! Stop their invasion!



what about octagon dots…any shape you want

The one and only place I would like the New Item Red Dots is for the Delivery Hanger, which is the one place there isn’t a Red Dot…


How do you locate the cloaky campers?

There will be no ore harvested from moons anymore. Just goo. And it will be full of red dots!

I totally agree 100% with Cornelis’ comments. What about increasing the number of asteroids in the belts and moon goo sites and… shock horror… allow Rorqs to mine in Hi Sec !! - If only. :slight_smile:

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No. Stop that. You want a rorq, you take the risk that goes with it.