Extended Extended Daily Downtime - 2018/04/05

Remember the patches of old when you had sometimes days to wait till it was back up, the odd time they delete boot.ini too. Then everything went well for a couple of years and then CCP fires off loads of staff and this ■■■■ happens all over again…

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Finally, seing this, can we have the bubbles back ?

F to pay respects

everoot: sudo remove chat bubbles
everoot: are you sure you want to delete all chat channels? Y/N
everoot: Y
developer: Oh guuys, i accidentaly the whole server


Better yet, a skill that needs training to access chats, that normally could only be bought frim CCp with real money :))

Well its one way to remove chat bubbles, and get me to go out in the early spring sun. (Maybe)

750 plex for local chat per ship!

Its this all part of a new feature where chat requires some form of… ‘infrastructure’ ???

yeah, PI lvl 6

UPDATE: Chat is now purchasable with PLEX from the NES :yum:

why did you guys implemented a new chat system… bring back the old one and that would solve all your problemes and future problems

Goons doesnt need a chat. We cant listen to orders anyways xD

TBH removing chat for some systems would be beneficial, like Jia for exaple :)) maybe they are trying to go after the scammers … along with the rest of the players … colateral victims :))

Good thing my subscription expires soon :))

Next minute: Communications Module for IHUBS appear on the market.

Wanna bet this will be the new scamm in Jita :))

Scamm is officialy allowed to exist so no way they are gonna deal with it. But my perfomance is way more better in Jita when local is closed

I bet it would be if they had the chance to bradcast it :slight_smile:

Server issues are the hardest party of fighting Frat. CCP tank for the win.

I reckon we should all move to a weird empty system crash the servers just to payback CCP for all this nonsense

Offline game AGAIN in UK timezone your taking the piss CCP
