Eyes on Pochven

That is pretty bold statement, and even if true, they made really bad job, because EDENCOM saved so many systems from trigs. EDENCOM idea to defend systems is separate from any trig machinations inside it. It gave strength to people following that idea, whatever trigs wanted to do.

I think you must have mistaken my point as I did not intend to imply EDENCOM is a Triglavian plot, or anything. You compared EDENCOM to Clades, and all I meant to say is that is not a comparison that makes sense to me. Triglavian Clades compare to our nation states, if anything. EDENCOM compares to the Convocation of Triglavians (not is it, literally; is the equivalent of it, in this metaphor / comparison).

Ah yes, my mistake, I thought you imply the trigs formed it, the phrase that did it was “Convocation they formed”. There were spais tho, on both fronts, and EDENCOM internal communications aften was filled with accusations of working with trigs…

EDENCOM isnt still the only thing that stands between trigs and empires tho.

Excuse me, now I have to work on that wormhole inhibitor.

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You still see Triglavians roaming Pochven and invading via their wormholes. EDENCOM forces once regularly protected gates and stations in the systems they had won and entrenched in, but seem to have gone on vacation when the triglavians certainly haven’t.

I understand that retooling is needed now that the situation has changed, but EDENCOM’s near abandonment of key systems like Bei where it should enjoy space supremacy due in part to our hard work is both insulting to those of us that fought so hard to win those victories and grossly incompetent at best.


Care must be taken to separate between EDENCOM, the government organization, and EDI, the capsuleer affiliate part of it. While EDI did its job and unifying behind the EDENCOM banner at least temporarily helped in it, it is EDENCOM proper my critique here, post-invasions, concerns.

If EDENCOM forces are unable to deploy to systems where Triglavians now roam, and indeed unable to defend even in the systems they already are deployed to thanks to our help, tribal (and other national) forces already in those systems should be given the leave to engage with them. Now they just watch on a gate while regular traffic gets slaughtered, which is embarrassing.


Yes, that is also the part that I do not understand, why are they so absent. :woman_shrugging:

You are right of course.


Perhaps a little less embarrasing than the navy actually shooting at them with stupid setups.

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Well, yea, maybe for the Caldari.

The Fleet can hold on their own, thoughthey just choose not to. I think that’s kind of worse.

I suppose the Amarr are the most embarrassed, on this like of thought.


Raravoss Star

Today’s report comes from Raravoss. If my facts are correct, this is the first system the Trigs manage to occupy during their initial invasion. This system belongs to the Svarog Clade and If I had to wager? They consider this system a bit of a “trophy” by not making it their capital, but having it one jump up from their actual capital of Niarja - Which is an even bigger victory worthy of being their capital.


Raravoss Proving Grounds

The system is home to no actual stations, but is home to a very promiment structure belonging to the corporation Mind Games. The Raravoss Proving Grounds is a “Freeport” in the artificial region, and there are quotations around “Freeport” because my docking privileges were revoked for engaging in some Free Enterprise and taking advantage of some really good deals for sale here.

Don’t worry, that only inconveniences me… Doesn’t stop me.

Off the undock of the Fortizar are two astrahus, first range is a “Mutaplasmid Lab” and further off is a Warclone Conversation site, both these asthahues do belong to Mind Games.


Raravoss I

Raravoss II

Raravoss III

Raravoss IV

Raravoss V

Raravoss VI

Raravoss VII

Raravoss VIII

Raravoss IX

So out of all the planets, it seems Gas planets are the least effected by the recent changes the new owners have made happen. Every other planet type has some form of deformity or alternative detail, but gas planets seem to be fine and normal… Unless I’m overlooking a detail on them.


Ekid Gate

Sasiekko Gate

Zaimeth Gate

Sharhelund Gate

Nothing groundbreaking new to report here. Will report back once I scout out a new system.


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