Fabuleux has been kidnapped!

I ended up getting bored with this ■■■■ show. Did anyone ever find Fabuleux?


Probably not.


At least we still have you to make amazing outfits!


These things take time. You can’t snap your fingers and find someone that’s been kidnapped. This cluster is massive! He could be somewhere in jove territory for all we know.

Just gotta follow the trail until we find him.


Well, based on the information we have about the kidnappers we can at least narrow his location down to a few regions instead of the entire cluster. Besides, it is highly unlikely that Fabuleux is in territory that we can’t even access.


I have to agree with @Jason_Galente. This is dragging on a bit…


[quote=“Slayer_Liberator, post:285, topic:28044, full:true”] Besides, it is highly unlikely that Fabuleux is in territory that we can’t even access.

Hey, not saying it was Jovians, but it was Jovians.

Not like it’s anyone’s fault this entire thing has becomes more convoluted and turned into a clusterduck of a mess that involves Empyream fighter pilots, Cults devoted to Sansha’s Nation and rampage inducing drug-bombers. I have not a single idea as to why the hell a Gallente Fashion Designer is mixed in this. But the idea of finding out facintstes me.

Because it very well could be the ■■■■■■■ Jovians behind this at this rate. I just want to keep going just to see if it becomes more convoluted than it needs to be. But, maybe, may just maybe. It somehow makes since in the end.

Just maybe.


Jovians would not spend their time snatching Gallente fashion gurus.

I do pray that we find him soon to end this mess


Yeah no ■■■■, they’re too busy being extinct.


The Drifters could do with a wardrobe upgrade though. Right now they look like they escaped from certain clubs near Dodixie.

Seriously though, has anyone gone into Fabuleax’s background? Maybe there’s something there that links to this cult.


I would like to submit a request to all capsuleers involved in this investigation to send all pertinent findings and information to myself for review. Once the information has been consolidated we will grant those involved a complete dossier.

I believe this may help focus our combined efforts. Rikaato.

Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch, Commander of Syndicate Operations


You see, this is why anyone with half a scrap of sense knows that when dealing with capsuleers, it is only practical to be a capsuleer!

Alas, I imagine Fabuleux to be a lost cause at this point. Imagine how much less fuss if he’d been able to jumpclone.

Poor man. Shallow and a little embarrassing to the Federation surely, but no one deserves to die and then become tedious. A fate worse than death for someone like him.


With poor, dear, Fabuleux having been missing for over a month, I shall consider him presumed dead, and will be in mourning for an appropriate amount of time, to grieve that such a precious delicate unique talent has been lost due to man’s inhumanity to man.

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I have flown to Luminaire, to the dark side of Gallentia, with a load of fireworks, that I have been firing off into the void, such that if any Gallentia residents looked up into the night, for a brief moment, it would be… fabuleux.



I wasn’t very fond of Fabuleux and his advertisements, but this makes me sad. Is that weird?


Second that.

I am sure it is what he would have wanted.

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((Apologies, been waiting for the wormhole even in Valkyrie to end to get the next part out. Lasted longer than most))

[EVE Valkyrie perspective]

God damn! I feel great! Took forever to find those battleships. But i tell you, when we did - i slammed the hammer down on them! We got one! Man it was just beautiful to see go up in flames, scrap - everywhere! Oh boy i only dreamed of getting the drop on them.

Apologies for the delays, been focusing on this small matter with honoring my deal with the Valkyrie. Those battleships went into hiding and took us awhile to find. All while the Valkyrie were taking their sweet time with the evacuation. When they finally decided to make a run for it, appears the Deaf had both of their battleships cloaked up waiting for them at their wormhole connection. They sent a call my way and i sent my boys in.

The Valkyrie ran off with their tail between their legs while my ships covered their asses. Managed to break though the tank of one and detonated it with some well placed missile volleys to it’s structure. What followed was one sweet explosion! The other battleship was already aligned out by the time i ordered my ships to engage the next one. Warped off back into the shadows.

To @Corraidhin_Farsaidh you’ll be pleased to know I’ve had salvaging teams recover any survivors. When they wake up. I’ll have a word with them…

To @Loai_Qerl , I’d agree with you. But the captors appear to want to make a spectacular with each hostage. They killed Repak and dumped his body in orbit of a planet. And Detol was dumped in some abandoned control tower in the void of a wormhole. Then baited both me and the Valkyrie to his location.

If they killed Fabuleux, pretty sure they would make us aware of it by now…

Now, if you’ll all excuse me. I gotta go do something about the Valkyrie decorations in my new outpost!

I’d suggest putting them in sensory depravation suits with holofeed goggles. Make them think they are home and being debriefed. That or nailgun their nuts to a plank.


What am i? A savage? Please, the former at least has a level of class to it.

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