Factional Warfare Feedback Thread

Can you still sneak carriers into faction warfare lolz.

Yes. Week 1 when I was on some crew was placing dreads in the sites to troll pirate FW start with some style.

I thought it was kind of funny. I hadn’t seen the big toys for a good long while. Neut or wt Phoenix jsut chilling in the site? Cool.

Let us disable Zarzakh gate particle effects. It crashes my clients on minimum settings no matter how many clients I close and how far I zoom in or out. If it crashes consistently on small fleets, then it’s going to be a problem on large fleets. Never crashed once on Windows 7.

Have you tried to switch in the loaderthe game to DX11? Usually DX11 is more stable than the default DX12.

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Can we get some Angel Cartel berets please.
And the one jacket isn’t very pirate-y.


Context: Being kicked (or not) from a militia due to the character’s militia standings being lowered below the acceptable threshold and how this interacts with the player’s average corporation standings toward the militia.

By my understanding, a character in the NPC militia corporation will be expelled from the militia should the character’s standings drop below an acceptable threshold, while a character in a player corporation has the opportunity to circumvent this consequence if the corporation’s average standings remain above the threshold.

With the introduction of individual enlistment I think this mechanism needs to universally take into account the character’s militia standings rather than having corporation standings supersede the character’s in the cases of individually enlisted characters.

While I think that the issues that exist in relation to this are socially instigated and will generally have a social solution, lately there have proven to be some fringe cases that I think go beyond what is acceptable within the faction warfare zones. What is taking place is that this safety net for characters in player corporations is causing players to be largely unable to interact with battlefields due to a small number of players with a large number of accounts between them playing both sides of the warzone (many characters in both militias) to ensure they always get the offensive payout. Ensuring this is often done by killing friendly militia on the defending side so that the player’s attacking characters can log in and take control of the battlefield…

We should fight over battlefields. But the fight for the battlefield should generally be between the Caldari and Gallente players or Minmatar and Amarr, and any pirates that show up rather than a ‘neutral’ party playing both sides of the militia and preventing people from engaging with this aspect of the warzone in a meaningful way.

I would hope that having a more consistently severe penalty for all characters doing this would help players (especially those without the sort of resources that these above mentioned players have) begin to take part in battlefields again.


Heading towards the end of January and my concerns with Zarzakh are still there. Was happy to see the ambition attribute patched which should help insurgencies from ending too quickly due to krab farmers. I think there’s a few things moving forward that would help ZZ actually be used instead of remaining mostly desolate.

  1. FOB asset safety to Zarzakh. If the FOB gets destroyed or pirates pay a fee, the items should be returned to ZZ. Otherwise it should just move with the FOB.


  1. Two way shipcaster between the FOB and ZZ. This way people can actually do logistics back and forth.


  1. ZZ should not serve as some transit for null blocs. If this is supposed to be the spooky hide out of the most dangerous pirates ever gathered together, it should act that way. And this will cut down on null bloc projection overall. How is it possible that a bloc can just pass through with a 120 man battleship fleet like no big deal? So here’s the change: Unless your group is fully enlisted into Angels or Guristas, when you jump into the system you have a 50% chance to eat a perma hic point from the gate and then get gunned down. Moving a fleet through ZZ should be akin to Hannibal crossing the alps.

These changes make ZZ both actually of use to pirates as well as cutting back heavily on null bloc projection.

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I’d see the potentially 18 day deployments having some go full on resupply in low sec or nearby empire heimatar/amarr.

Its beens like 6ish days for 7 systems, 3 times that since 20 close to 21…18 days.

the only system I see getting revilatized here is rens and/or hek really. Whatever is near any amarr FOB’s as they come up.

9 days in people will be need some supplies lol.

Which I think is what my proposed changes would help do with a 2 way link between ZZ/FOBs

Currently the reason to go to war in Factional Warfare feels disconnected from one’s commitment to a Militia as well as control of territory.

  1. Take Gal/Cal for example, the control of territory is leaning heavily in favor of the Caldari Militia , but this has no impact on the warzone in anyway that would leave the Gallente feeling as though they would be better off if they controlled more territory.

  2. The ranks in the “Progression” tab of the Warzone user interface feel similarly disconnected from the warzone. There is no tangible significant in proving your allegiance to the Militia by being promoted.

In hindsight I feel this theme ties into my previous post about the state of Battlefields in some fringe cases where the desire for LP supersedes the overarching point of Factional Warfare to a point that people are no longer (or are prevented from) engaging in Factional Warfare. Or at the very least they are engaging in Factional Warfare in a way that makes the activity no longer feel like Factional Warfare.


Please, could you give a standing penalty AND LP loss to those that use modules to assist characters in different militias or even neutrals?

this would fix soooo many issues…
edit: also, ALSO, and this is something I’ve thought about since forever, if a neut wants to access a MILITIA area, they should either hack to gain access or use a keycard. Because in all honesty it NEVER made any sense that civilians can enter militia areas.
this, too, would fix SO MANY ISSUES.
edit2: ppl in the same corporation outside militia should be heavily penalized with another standing hit towards the empire owning the space wherever they are assisting a fellow corpmate that is in any militia engaging targets in hi-sec

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Rendezvous Points are feeling underwhelming in their ability to create player interaction and, relative to this, are overwhelming concerning the advantage points they produce.

Regarding “floating plexes” that do not respawn in the same system but will spawn in another system, is it documented anywhere what the basis for respawning is? Do front line plexes respawn in other front lilnes? Do they respawn regionally? Do minmatar plexes respawn into other minmatar controlled systems? What is the basis for a “floating plex”?

I ask because it is very frequent that some systems are always nearly empty of plexes while other system are full, but the mechanics behind completing plexes in a system to get them to respawn elsewhere seems to be a guess.

The LP store of the Amarr faction is horrible. You have to gather an insane amount of tags. So you have to earn LP, collect huge numbers of tags, AND pay isk to get the good rewards. Angels on the other hand just trades LP, some isk, and a t1 module, and they get very useful modules.

Lets make it pay to do Amarr FW. Even things up.

So that’s the reason Amarr lags so much on FW :thinking:

It is similar for Minmatar or the other factions too.
The milita factions have the huge benefit that you can trade T1 ships for faction ships… this is much better than with the pirate factions.
However many modules in their store are not worth to be taken, as you need much too many rare tags for them. Here the pirate factions are clearly better.
What is really needed is a balance pass on the milita stores for some of the modules… get rid of the rare tags and if tags should rely remain mandatory exchange them for the tags you get in regular FW plexes… there are some which are currently worthless and they should be used to make them a bit more valuable.

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CCP have to fix seagulling stuff (bring cheap useless ships into FW plex and steal payout). That broke all fw stuff and force players kill blue instead killing enemy militia. Also we have standing punch for killing that kind of guys and no standing up for killing enemy.

Seagulling could be fixed simply by having LP pay out based on time spent inside the plex in the particular cap point for BFs.

Wouldn’t that incentivize players to intentionally stall?

Another idea to give the FW space more flavor. Maybe give Faction ships special bonuses while flying in systems in which you have advantage or control. So if you’re Amarr FW and you control a system you get armor/laser bonuses on Amarr ships. This would encourage people to actually fly the ships of their faction. Angels would be incentivized to fly the Cynabals, Machariels, etc. Then you would actually see faction fleets fighting that look very much like they are the faction they’re claiming to support.

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