Fair Play Alliance

Oh FFS…the feelz and snowflakes have won.

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Yes, The Mittani, with the wizard hat, at Fanfest… not exactly a shining moment.
Lets not forget the individuals defacing names on the monument.

CCP has dealt with those RL cross-overs many times over the years, I’m sure most we don’t know about, but those we do know about are kind of burned in our minds for those around to see it happen. Just because I’ve been suicidal at sometime in my life, doesn’t give me reason to report someone for typing “KYS” in local (or during a round of another game). People are assholes in life, on the internet, and in game, I don’t go around reporting assholes trying to clean up a community. I go find a community that I can enjoy with as few assholes as possible or that I know I can handle.

Too many keyboard warriors trying to save the world from “mean” words.


Yes that I can fully agree on but im happy ccp don´t let it go to far but small things should be ignored.

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Calm down hulk before you blow your balls your manhood is safe I promise you that you can keep eating metal and piss acid like you always had no one is gonna take away your manliness.


lol someone had an emotional response. Get shoved in a locker again today?


Just to be clear.

Actual death threats ( to the player), sexual harassment, suicide goading, and a whole host of other possibly illegal in your area actions are also bannable offenses in EvE.

Report anyone who demonstrates this behavior, and let CCP deal with it. Unfortunately, in a conflict orientated strategic game where propaganda is a viable tactic, borderline truly bad behavior can be difficult to tell. OTOH I have seen the player base come together against an out of game scam that played on the heartstrings of EvE’s hardened souls.

There are somethings that are verboten even in EvE.

–Vigilant Gadget


Ever noticed how, whenever the mainstream hits and a community grows too big too fast, the community goes to shits?

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True words. Sums up the problem, aye? :sunglasses:

what ?

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Way off-subject, but people are the problem, not the weapon used. Personally, if I’m going to go full tilt on someone, I’d rather do it with a rake than a gun. It’s ten times more violent and it would take longer. Nothing says “this is personal” like getting your *** beat to death with a rake…


I just saw an opportunity for a funny quote and could not resist it. Sorry for the offtopicness.

that guy got what he deserved, a one way ticket to nopeville


I don´t see Achievements or Trophies as a bad thing I use them in games to get more content out of a game I beaten I don´t care to collect them but if I have a game I like allot but I already beaten it like Yakuza series which I like allot I use the trophies to get back in the game and try to get them just so I got more things I have not done in the game making be play a game I already beaten. If you understand what I mean.

The internet itself is a great example of this.


By accepting up-front that there may be other reasons than the three you quoted for people doing things in a particular way. I don’t disagree with your reasons, but I definitely don’t agree that they’re the only three reasons possible.

Imagine that I did not mention all of the possible reasons, because I assumed that people understand that they obviously are not. There really is no need to constantly and always make everyone happy. Adding disclaimers everywhere is silly and the only ones who benefit from this are the overly sensitive who do not understand that they might be reading something that only exists in their heads.

Anyhow, your complaint is noted.

Thank you. I suggest we regard the issue as closed, if you agree,

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So many people here who can’t tell tye difference between ingame conflict and Reallife-targeted harassment. CCP will never back down on the ganking, the piracy, the scamming, and the hellwars - or the local trashtalking for that matter. It’s not the point of this Fair Play Alliance. Their goal is to reduce the targeted harassment, death threats, doxxing, stalking and so on. All these things have nothing to do about the gameplay and are instead rooted in RL stuff.

I got a friend who got stalked by a creepy dude who wanted to make her pregnant. Despite blocking him he kept making new alts and later on harassing her on social media and stuff. She posted the story on Reddit. This is the ■■■■ that CCP are intending to counter with the FPA. Not any gameplay stuff so calm down.


This is not seperated from “being offended” and while they now want to target “toxic behaviour”, there is absolutely no guarantee that “toxic” behaviour will not get redefined eventually.

Just saying.

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Seems like you are the one being offended at the sligtest chance that it will go in a way you don’t like.

Just sayin.