February 2020 Release - Known Issues

This is not specific to the update, but it should be a known issue and I wanted to get it out there.

There is currently no role required to drop a POCO Gantry for a corp, making it ridiculously easy to get a spy into a corp and continually drop Gantry’s to extend wardecs by a day. All it takes is dropping the Gantry to extend the war, it doesn’t require it to be anchored.

Please add Gantry’s to require starbase manager roles.


The “Stack All” in your MTU doesn’t seem to work

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The “Stack All” in cargo(any) containers doesn’t work

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Thanks, we’re working on a fix for this.


Fleets are messed up. “Warp fleet” been removed as an option in the menu for warping to another person in your fleet. That means a fleet/wing/squadron leader can no longer warp the fleet to another member.

Squad/wing commander can’t invite people to fleet. Even if he is boss he can’t do it.


Agreed - I like having new items at the bottom.


I want to report a bug, your balance specialists lost their minds. Please fix that.


There is no possibility to invite people to fleet when I’m squad commander.
You can’t fleet warp to fleet member.

did you forget a comma? in your patch for mining resources?

Another question you took months to add us a red dot ? you have other things to deal with in the game ? really ?


The Inventory Badging also kicks in if you remove items from a Stack in your inventory window leaving only one… the system tags your inventory as having “New Items” tho the remaining one item from the stack isn’t tagged.

Putting items in your cargo hold and then undocking triggers the New Items ping and it may flash as “New Items” on the Inventory NECOM icon tho no red dot and no badging in your hold.

Putting items in your Cargo Hold from a POCO seems to trigger the new items when you initiate warp and red dots them in your hold and in the Inventory NEOCOM icon.

And yeah the random auto rearranging is very annoying.
Red Dot items tend to be put at the start of your inventory list (usually we’re used to new things going to the end) and of you mouse over to remove the red dot them moving in a new item or stacking/unstacking shuffles things about even if you don’t want to.


Fleet invites seem to be broken. The right click menu option seems to be gone and you can only invite someone by dragging the char into the fleet window.

Fleet has a couple of options missing from right click menus:

  • Invite to fleet (can still invite by dragging)
  • Make Boss (I don’t know of a workaround)

Also: Please make the mark new item as red dot an option please

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copying contracts changes the sell values, for example, contract that for sell for 300000 (300k), when you copy it, the value gets changed to 3,000,000 (3m) on the new contract

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I’ve issues with the PLEX Vault, i can’t put PLEX in from a distant station, from the item hangar or the corporation deliveries…

Introducing a system to track new items in the Inventory, Hangars, and PLEX Vault via icon badging, UI breadcrumbs, and tooltips.

Extremely annoying red dot crap and which option disables this damn sound


Anyone else have problem warping to Custom Office for PI?

There is no way to disable the “new items in inventory” either. This is hugely annoying is a) you’re a high volume market trader or b) looting/salvaging/hacking.

Disabling the blink does not do anything to those notifications.

When hacking I found it to be a complete distraction that was completely un-needed as obviously there’s new items in the inventory as I clicked the loot all button.


At least would be a heads up from CCP good, if this nerf was really intended, or mistake, and shouldnt be so brutal. A Yes or No would be enough.

Seems like everyone is, I saw a suggestion to add the POCO to your overview, and you can then warp to it from there, as a work around until the issue is resolved.


WTF is going on with your ORE CCP these values are utter rubbish. Can we get an answer if this is working as intended???