Federation Grand Prix - Event Feedback

I love that mission. When I was actually new, was tempting to hang around but was scared they’d kill me. Now I kill it each and every time I run the epic arc with my 3 toons. ;D

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Just started yesterday, at 9, 11, and 15 points on my 3 toons running 'em. I was in a WH when the event began, hadn’t tried abyssal stuff either, but I’m out in HS now doing the abyss + running the event a bit now. Didn’t hurt to let some of the ganking fervor get out of the systems of those so inclined as well.

Even so, I’m using tanky af Hecates with 8.8 AU/s warp speed, <2 sec align, and I’m hauling ■■■■ I want to move around from stash to stash in highsec while I do it. Multi-tasking!

Running with 3 toons at once is also probably a little less boring than running just 1, since if I get a bad offer I want to wait out, the other 2 are still busy on their runs.

I’m aiming for 50+50+50, not sure I want to bother going for 100, but we’ll see.

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Add Bantish, Genesis as a waypoint… then Shirshocin, Aridia… then Postouvin, Solitude for the absolute safest route… sadly, it’s 42 jumps and I doubt could be made during the timeframe of the task, which now that I’ve started doing the event myself, IIRC was around 21 minutes? or I may be thinking of the Black Monolith in dead End one, which my above route takes you semi-nearby.

Yeah, as I said above, my route (which I have used to park jump clones via interceptor/covops in Solitude for incursioning from when a HS-HS WH wasn’t available during a HS island incursion there back like 3 years ago)… is 42 jumps.

A less safe, but still safer than Syndicate NPC nullsec route… is:

Add Bherdasopt, Genesis as a waypoint… then Shirshocin, Aridia… then Postouvin, Solitude. I didn’t say this one earlier because that Bherdasopt/Gonditsa gate is often camped, it’s near the Simela SOE L3 security agent, that area’s quite busy (compared to most of Genesis, at least). And for me, that route comes up as 37 jumps from Luminaire to Postouvin.

I won’t be trying any of the three routes myself, it’s too far to go, especially when I’m coming back to Luminaire by ship, not by self-destruct.


exactly :japanese_goblin:

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The only issue i have is that i have to go back to the start line after each objective. I know i could pod back but its a bit annoying


Postouvin was something like 24 mins IIRC. I just did it (straight through a sleeping Syndicate) in a basic shuttle with 5.37 to spare, which means I could handle a few more jumps - but probably not 33+ without investing a bit more ISK into something with more Warp Speed.

Yah, so I didn’t try anything fancy. Except setting up a jump clone in Solitude which I also used for one completion. :wink:


Though tedious and repetitive, the rewards are very nice- thank you CCP.


As a completely new player to Eve this event was really underwhelming. It’s the most boring activity I could do in game. Even mining is more captivating as occasionally I get attacked by something I can actually defend myself against.
It would have been more exciting if you got a new destination whenever you got to your current one. The travel back to Luminaire is heartbreaking. I know you can self destruct but as a new player you can’t just set your clone to a station in Luminaire because the shuttle prices there are crazy high and it feels wasteful.

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In my own personal opinion I think CCP should have a permanent wormhole, for the duration of the event, back to Luminaire at each destination to make going back in one jump…like a return hole. Secondly, it would be nice to have an alternate course as well which jumps off your previous point so it would be A->B->C->D->E->F->…that way you can feel like you are doing legs of a massive race instead of A->B->A->C->A->D. The reason for the return hole suggestion is that people are just abandoning shuttles and SDing their pods anyway to get back faster, may as well implement a method for in the future for events like this to discourage doing that.

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Easier way to discourage the suicide / shuttle method would have been to make the races there-AND-back.


I had mentioned that as well Chan’aar, and it should have been this way from the start…


You should ask the Triglavians what it means.

The race even is a very good event that yields high ISK return for low value ISK input.

Basically its like CODE. ganking. They input a low ISK value and achieve a high ISK return.

Full meaning

5 jumps away, the nearest possible destination in Charmerout, is covered with abandoned shuttles. It’s tedious to set up, but you can board these one at a time, dock, and get a Tech 1 hauling ship (nereus, wreath, badger, etc) to take them back to the starting line. Or just make a bunch of trips. You’d have to pick up enough of them to justify the cost of a hauling ship.

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The worst event! Didn’t die to campers, but almost died to boredom. Same places again and again. esp Luminaire :face_vomiting:. Pls make PvP event!

This was the worst event since I started playing.
Once I realised it was just set destination jump jump jump warp to beacon i decided not to bother with it at all.

Ive spent many hours in pretty much every event until this one. Ran it once, was bored af so went back to doing something else.

CCP please never do a lazy event like this again. If you want to do a race style event here are some ideas to make it actually interesting:

  • add an engagement time for all a participants.
  • add navigateable aspects to the course eg burn through beacon a and b then turn and burn between c and d like slalem skiing where agility and speed matter
  • have people actually race against other people not just race against a clock.
  • add perhaps some rats or towers that shoot at people as they race



the most boring event in Eve history
even though pve is not really that interesting but it’s a lot more enjoyable than running around in a ■■■■■■■ shuttle


See there are several problems with your approach is that you assume every player in the world is working off YOUR time zone and YOUR play time. The purpose of racing against the clock is to ensure that everyone can just jump right in and participate without waiting for a prearranged time.

Also, the other issue you would encounter with a race with other players is TiDi, you can imagine the server load on a single system with 1500-2000 players in it, Jita is an exception because it has its own dedicated node to support large numbers of players, other systems in the game work differently. To put it another way, CCP did an event I want to say it was near the end of 2013 when CCP fairly unsuccessfully attempted to lead an empire fleet into null pirate space to take on a pirate site only to get wiped up by the CFC. Every system that fleet passed through kicked TiDi in, could you imagine the same issue happening here as well? Not to mention the fact that if you had 1800 pilots jumping into a system that is hard capped at 1500, you get 300 left behind a jump…it would be a worse nightmare.

No, your idea just would be #failEVEnt…that being said, I think there are elements to improve upon. CCP needs to solve the return issue so as to not liter space with thousands of shuttles. Also, it would be nice to have the race be a mission popup that would require you to accept it before it starts the countdown. The reason I suggest this is twofold, first of all most new players to the event warps to the beacon and is confused as to what to do next, once they discover that it is in the agency panel then they learn that the timer has already started and thus they have lost time figuring it out. Having a popup to accept the race would allow them to search the system, or set destination to it in a hyperlinked text as part of the popup, then they can just start the race by selecting ready. Also, having a popup would allow players to turn down races they aren’t interested in for whatever reason…distance, destination…it wouldn’t matter, they could just turn them down and pick up the next race.


Final weekend. It’s almost over folks!