After having organized studies on atavums and on sleeper drone AIs as well as monitoring operations of these drones and their new patrol pattern in Drifter systems, I fear that the concerns listed in this article are justified. I will also be releasing the findings made by Decivise Victory’s science and drifter/sleeper monitoring divisions regarding these AIs, patrol patterns and atavums shortly.
For example, this is what the sensors of capsuleer Andrius Uhad’s ship picked up when he explored a Drifter system. These drones and Drifter units were in a nexus, this kind of patrols can also be found near the wormholes connecting a Drifter system to New Eden, and they regularly move between the wormholes and the nexuses.
This data from the ship’s sensors was retrieved from GalNet.
Moreover, the Sanmatar seems to have forgotten that nullsec space was attacked in YC121 by the Drifters with the apparent aim of recovering resources but also of recovering biomass to create new bodies and probably keep up against the Triglavians and the consequences of their invasion of New Eden. Nothing tells us that the Drifters will not try to recover biomass from the innocent part of nullsec’s population or even worse, from the population in empire space if they really need more biomass.
I was also able to discover a conversation between the caravanmaster of the Hrada-oki, Malaya Hrada, and the capsuleer “chief6”. It seems that chief6 wanted to donate an “Incomplete Warden Projection” to the caravanmaster in the Fulcrum.
Here is an analysis of these projections. These projections can from what we currently know only be recovered from “Tyrannos Tekton” Drifter battleships which can as far as we currently know only be found in the nexuses of Drifter complexes.

All this information is proof that we must prepare for a new Drifter attack and also end the existence of the Deathless Circle as well as their possession of the Jovian artifacts if we want to avoid collateral victims.
Perhaps the Drifters are trying to build gates in the nexus that would link their systems to Zarzakh in an attempt to bypass the emanation lock and retrieve the Warden and possibly destroy the pirate forces in Zarzakh. It is also possible that the Circle will take advantage of this to attack the Drifters as well. While I believe the Drifters are a significant threat given their ruthlessness and advanced technology, I consider the Deathless Circle to be even more dangerous for now and while we should protect as many civilians as possible from the Drifters, they could be useful in harming or even destroying the Circle and the Fulcrum, which I would consider an emergent threat in its own right.
An increase in the presence of Drifters in known space has been reported, with them being more numerous near Jovian observatories and wormholes leading to their systems. There have been reports of them being present even in systems without observatories or wormholes.
For example, in this image captured during a monitoring operation we can see three battleships piloted by Artemis Tyrannos units, they are not normally so “numerous” near these kinds of wormholes.
This was captured by the sensors of the capsuleer Tokar Zeminev. They are also more numerous than in a normal situation.
So far, it seems that Tekton units are just targeting the pillars with some sort of beam that is visually similar to the one generated by Sleeper/Drifter scanners.
The Tekton unit of the Barbican complex also appears to have changed its position in the Nexus.
December 18:
January 1:
It is possible that units of other systems have also changed position.
The most common hypothesis among capsuleers about these units is that they may be builders, if this is the case then the Barbican unit appears to have changed his “work location” and this could indicate that the building operation is progressing.
Maybe the Tekton unit scan is to check which pillars are viable to use during construction and that it will take a while for it to actually start.
Not all Tekton units seem to work in the same parts of the nexuses, their position changes dependings on the systems they are in.
(photos provided by capsuleer chief6)
Oh, that’s probably not good. . . .
So, ah, if it isn’t already clear, pilot, those “pillars” are the disassembled form of what used to be a much more compact device. It’s never been entirely clear whether it exploded or just activated, or what it in fact actually did.
If they’re moving the pieces, it seems pretty likely that the Drifters are either repairing or, maybe more ominously, resetting those devices, getting ready to use them again.
As a note, the bizarre, Jove civilization-ending FTL event called Caroline’s Star was the cluster’s first introduction to the lovely hue that is Drifter green. I believe that happened around the time the nexus devices were last used (or else broken/scattered).
So. Um. There’s that.
Drifter activity started shortly after this event so it is likely that there is a link between the two indeed. Perhaps the Drifters rearranged the “pillars” to create a structure ready for some use or rapid rearrangement which would explain this shape:
But why did this structure disassembled? Perhaps another faction destroyed it or it disassembled itself due to a malfunction. Or maybe they destroyed it themselves so that no other faction could benefit from it without their permission or to use it against them. If it was indeed a gate or some kind of gate building kit, maybe it was connected to Jove Space or Zarzakh while the Drifters didn’t want the Deathless Circle (if they were really already present in Zarzakh in YC117) or whatever remained in Jove space to enter their space.
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It appears that Tektons from the other 4 hives have also moved. Besides, the Arataka Research Consortium made an expedition to the Conflux hive today and there will be a report on it soon on the IGS.
ARC hive operation completed. We confirmed Tekton’s presence in the nexus, though the debris (or whatever) field remained scattered and unchanged, at least visibly. Security for that room’s definitely increased, though; Apollo units arrived much too often for it to be a normal patrol, and new Tekton units appeared very quickly although we didn’t get an exact time. Also encountered new Sleeper units, though only in the antechamber-- just inside the front door, so to speak. They didn’t reinforce even after a couple hours, either, and none were present in the nexus.
DutchGunner, who was FC, will probably post a proper report soon.