Feedback on Yoiul Festival Celebration Crate Distribution

Ah, that might require me to completely leave and return, though after “purchase failed” it has completely disappeared again.

Edit: Nah, gone.
How hard is it to do this? Honestly I’d love just a couple of hours to root around in the codebase for this game. Even the simplest of tasks seem like a huge undertaking.

We should start asking for a new font for the UI. That might actually make a few heads explode :stuck_out_tongue:

And a line of premium Columbian gak.


Consider this to be a treasure hunt, the excitement of "digging" for treasure until you find it... or not.
– CCP (probably :wink:)

:psyccp: :smirk: :popcorn:


CCP cant code… true story

Yeah, I saw this thread as well as the Launcher notification…

Logged in on each of my 5 accounts and checked, no gift on this account (main) but did have it available on one of my 4 alt accounts…

Tried to claim it and got this result:

So I decided to clear all cache files in Esc menu and also verified all files in Launcher as well as remove unused files… The Launcher gift notification was still listed, logged back into game, checked the NES again and no gift available…

Will check again tomorrow after DT…


Just received an Email from CCP stating there was a free gift in the NES, reopened Launcher, checked the NES on each of my 5 accounts and the gift was available, clicked redeem and got a successful result on each account:

Thank you @CCP_Arcade and all the other Dev’s at CCP, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Season Greetings to you all…

Got an email from CCP and both accounts now have the gift from the NES.

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Gifts on all 75.

In case anyone is having trouble locating their gift pack, you do claim the gift in NES; but then it doesn’t go into inventory - it’s in your ‘Redeem Items’ queue (Alt-Y).

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All appears to be sorted now, my main and the rest of my alts all got it.

Sure is. CCP even gave me five extra crates:

Ended up with 34 gifts on 29 accts.

People should check the NES on accts they claimed before the fix.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Amazing what riles people up over the holidays. “Where’s my FREE PLEX?!!” lol


moving this to General Issues - see Resolved - Yoiul Festival Celebration Crate Gift for update/resolution.

Closing this thread - if there are specific feedback/suggestions that weren’t resolved in the above post, please post them in Player Features & Ideas

also removed several off topic/spam posts.