FIGHT BACK! Join the Resistance!

And what is wrong with mining?

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Might need to read a few posts prior, but the issue isn’t mining. It’s the abuse of alts that result in large strip-mining operations in various regions of space affecting the economy.

Nothing! Mining is required. Items in game could not exist without mining. However there are many things to do in EVE. It is easy for someone to spend all day mining in safety without doing anything else.

Most people would think it is fine for people to play EVE how they want and would leave them alone. The people in “code” have decided they want to play the game in a way that forces miners to interact with them. At some level they believe player interaction is what makes EVE fun. They want to “explain” this to those who refuse to interact by forcing interaction. It is what these people have decided to do and how they want to play the game.

Will do.

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That is true. You got us figured out.


Also, failure to purchase a mining permit is a violation of space law and the constitution of New Halaima requires that every miner obtain a permit.


I am not roleplaying, and neither are you when you express very serious and real-life butthurt over this videogame.


You really should send more time on CODE are obviously the good guys. Much like the real life Magna Carta was a breakthrough in guaranteeing rights, so the CODE. seeks to ensure safety and prosperity for all citizens of New Eden, capsuleer and non-capsuleer.
It is important to remember that James 315 is the first democratically elected leader - by all players! - of New Eden.


James is my CSM.


Erm… except the few times I’ve had the opportunity to do or try to do that, you’ve told me I was on the “wrong” side… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

an in-game channel outlined here would be a perfect venue for those interested

Man, you need therapy.

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Look at the OP, now look at how the OP plays the game.

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Lmfao. U deliver the best satire.

How can I contribute to the cause to fight all these criminals? I have isk that needs to be spent in pursuit of justice!

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Hello sir! You can purchase shares in the New Order for just one million isk per share! Simply send the isk to James 315, and put “stock purchase” as the reason for your transfer. James will publish your heroic deed on his award-winning blog found on the information SUPERhighway at

All shares are protected by the Currin Trading guarantee!

Protecting high-sec since 2006!

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Oh, if they’re protected by Curring Trading, they MUST be legit! I thought this was a new fund though. I already hold shares with the New Order, though perhaps I should buy some more.

You should always put your eggs in the best basket.

You are a special specimen in this zoo :+1: