I hope you garner the courage of your convictions.
The only good thing i can say about the code is that it gave me the enemy i can fight with.
You guys are basically pvp sanshas nation, that is a impressive achievement.
But be careful not to fall too deep into the bitterness of anti-ganking. There are some there who are so bitter that rather than fleet up for a fight, they would ask that you help them to petition CCP constantly for more nerfs, or even worse, falsely accuse your virtual foes of cheating, even to the point of getting them banned.
Poor sportsmanship at it’s worst truly. Probably the worst aspect of some anti-gankers…
As if failing constantly wasn’t enough.
How much you gonna pay me?
Wow. You really take these spaceship shennanigans very seriously, don’t you?
Please learn your lore. Sansha Kuvakei sought to create an army of bots, replacing people’s minds with computer implants. In contrast, James 315 has created a New Order dedicated to purging bot aspirants of these implants. Indeed, the empires opposed Sansha and united against him. Meanwhile, the empires support James as the shareholders unanimously elected him Lord Protector of the Miners.
I believe Sansha’s Nation was one that was to be a supposed utopia, where its citizens were “free to pursue their dreams”. The “slaves” were only there to serve as a military force as he saw spaceships as a waste of time instead of serious business.
James 315 and the New Order, in the eyes of the big four, is just another way of keeping the capsuleer population in check. Those of us who are old enough to know are aware of how easily unsupervised mining can result in the strip-mining of entire constellations, and that was before the big four actively mined in the same belts alongside capsuleers. So the CODE does in many ways help the systems in high security space.
And no, I do not have a permit as I respect the CODE (and as such have not had issue with any agents), and have even saved a new player from hating the game by suggesting they enforce the CODE with other agents instead of mine.
You must obtain a permit. Your good works are like dust in the wind, and it is only through the permit that James can save you.
I’ll have a permit when I’m in high sec, but as I don’t operate there it will be another time.
But as another example as to why CODE is necessary to the game, I bring you images of the former glorious system of Halaima:
Without CODE this would literally be every other system. If anything, the real Resistance is CODE, fighting back against botting and those who abuse CCP’s lax rules in regards to managing multiple accounts.
Shoot them all, let James sort them out!
That’s truly disgusting. We need to band together to fight this menace!
The appropriate response:
That was awesome!
Pix! I’m on a new machine, installed EVE just now.
Tried joining the channel “MTU Hunter” and the game responded with…
“You have been banned from MTU HUNTER, or it does not allow public access.”
I did leave a couple of people with admin access to that channel, I’ll check it out later tonight.
I am an south korean outside of eve, IRL.
I am literally born and raised in a society where “to cruel to be kind” logic is accepted as a norm thanks to the societal tension due to the presence our northern neighbors
And I know more than most people why that would not work.
Whether you think you are “kicking he spawn off”, in the eyes of the victims you are only a a predator robbing them of their possessions by force.
I also almost had an article ready regarding a case where a child commiting patricide because of his father being ‘to cruel to be kind’ and even bring many psych articles thanks to my major but that would actually be a perfect example of a eant overstepping the boundaries of this board which I admit, am doing that already.
Technically, I am anti code, not an anti-ganker.
I have no quarrel with the guys like pirat or that kingsman folks unless they involve themselves with code cause or I see them attacking the weak firsthand.
And that yes you are allowed to do gank.
And you are allowed even to gank under the code cause.
Just as I am allowed to defy it, that is all.
The simple answer is, who are you to claim yourselves teachers of playing eve properly?
You are but a player, just as same as them.
And there is no one true way to play the game.
You think of yourselves as some sort of teacher figure, but you are just gankers, that is all.
Nothing is sacred and everything is permitted.
That is the true meaning of freedom, or at least that is the cause what I try to embody in eve.
Yes of course, all talk and no substance will only resutl in nothing.
Still, my eve entry are quite spotty overall due to real life business.
This is a game, not worth revolving my daily routine over it like certain two among code found in this thread seems to.
Still I am and will be more than happy to involve myself in direct action i can assure.
영어 정말 잘 하네요
I think “CODE” and “miner bumping” are role playing. They pretend to be evil and bad as part of their characters in-game. They pretend to have a duty to “save people”. They do it for fun.
As you said, Nothing is sacred and everything is permitted. They are allowed to act like villains if that is what is fun for them. I do not think they are bad people outside of the game.
감사합니다! 유학생활 덕이죠 ㅎㅎ.
I understand what you are saying.
Just as they are free to roleplay as villains, i enjoy roleplay as vigilante myself.
But you would be surprised to see how they claim that they are not roleplaying and they are dead serious in their cause.
Either way, I am free to fight against them right?
Of course! That seems to be their “goal”. To get players to fight back! If players fight back they will no longer spend all their time mining.