Sooo how does one “betray” the empires and fight for the triglavians??
or this not implemented yet?
Sooo how does one “betray” the empires and fight for the triglavians??
or this not implemented yet?
Just side with the Triglavians and shoot the Empire rats in the site. That’s really all.
what empire rats?
If you warp to the Observatory Flashpoint beacons, you’ll be presented with two fairly large npc fleets. One trig, the other Empire navy fleet.
You “side” with one of them by shooting the other.
talk about done it wrong
Is nothing but marketing bullshine.
All that picking a side does is decide which loot table your drop comes from.
Managing expectations, this is CCP we’re talking about.
You know what would really work?
If, on having more faction with non-empire entities, you get to use their secret gate networks.
In Templar One, for example, the Morse, a Drake captained by one of the protagonists, would freely get around space, usually lowsec and Mordus null.
Now, we all know how it would really play out if the novel was more like the game: the Morse would have been ganked in a kill-everything-that-moves gate camp. No Morse, no story, nothing really.
This implies that Mordus has a gate network. Mission and exploration sites have gates. There are even defunct jump gates in mission sites even implying that pirate factions use their own gates.
So, if CCP really wants players to be the baddy, toss them a bone and at least let it be "more than getting bling and ISK ", or to be precise, “a reason other than krabbing”. Like the ability to get around null and low using the secret pirate gate networks that only let those with faction through. Would that not be cool?
Probably not. Hurf blurf “CCPlease funnel more people to my gate camp” and hurr durr and all that usual crap. New content for krabbing, nothing else.
What the hell were you all expecting?
Access to a Triglavian LP store?
Too gank freely those who choose Trig?
I was hoping this was going to turn into a new major faction. Final battle then trigs are given there own area of new eden in a cease fire agreement. New trade hub eventually, new stations, and some sort of new travel system using trig space.
No. It’s going to be more farming content. Like everything else.
The future is Browser Game.
LIES! its phone gaming.
can you hear me? hear me? hear me?
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