Finding mission agents is an agent research tool. EVEMissioneer v3 has been running for three years and is designed to help you find agents. A long time ago it was called evemissionary - a lot has changed.

Set your agent filters and browse by corporation, region, constellation or system. Factions have special agent lists for

  • career agents (if you are new here)
  • data centers (with tag requirements)
  • COSMOS (with mission names if known + EVE University links + link to Yari Lee COSMOS planner)
  • research agents (with specialities)
  • level 5s

EVEMissioner has

  • context-based links to external sites such as DOTLAN, EveEye, zKillboard, EVE Tycoon, EVE Ref and others
  • LP stores and LP offer finder
  • an item variant comparer
  • an implant planner
  • optional SSO connector for standing and LP integration, geo-locator (known space only) and in-game navigation.
  • factional warfare information
  • market price snapshots for popular regions (subject to API reliability)

EVEMissioneer is hosted in the UK with SSL and has no tracking, analytics or ads. It complements other sites - another tool for your toolbox. Some of you may already have had many tools in your box and canā€™t face taking another one. Thatā€™s fine, I am not one to judge.

EVEMissioneer is regularly updated with the latest SDE data and is free to use. I hope it proves useful whether or not you run missions.


Pretty cool site, took me a little while to figure out why it was only showing Storyline Agents for Brutor Tribeā€¦ Then I quickly fixed that after seeing the settings tabā€¦

Anyway, been looking for a good ā€˜Agent Finderā€™ site to list in my ā€˜Faction Standing Repair Planā€™ threadā€¦ Iā€™ll add the link asapā€¦



@DeMichael_Crimson the link for The Plan in your bio is not working for me. Please let me know a link and I can add soon to EVEMissioneer.

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Ahh, thanks for letting me know about thatā€¦

The link to ā€˜The Planā€™ thread is hereā€¦

Fixed the links in my Bioā€¦ :slightly_smiling_face:

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I added a mirror of your page to EM - fully attributed etc. Faction Standing Repair Plan (mirror) linking to the original. Let me know if you are unhappy with any aspect of it.

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Looks goodā€¦ And thanks, always good to have a mirror of itā€¦

Years ago I was going to transcribe ā€˜The Planā€™ and all info in the working links over to Chribbaā€™s ā€˜Eve Filesā€™ since it was a free site but he shut that downā€¦ Would be nice to find a new site, no telling how long ā€˜The Wayback Machineā€™ will be activeā€¦

i dont get it
shows me the corp and how many total agents, but no agent list anywhere ?

So im using the link you shared

Everything circled are the agents

Thankyou, so that does not open in desktop browser, i tried the same link on mobile and what you have shows up on mobile. just not on web browser on PC. just for your information, thankyou.

Yea mine was mobile when i did that
Changing to desktop site shown it however as well

The site works well on desktop in Chrome.

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How do you use the filters you setup? There is no ā€œsearch for agentsā€ just other buttons.

when you click on corporations, and pick one, like i used cal navy, and im on my desktop currently, it will still show the agents once you pick a particular corporation

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You set your filters using the Filters link in to the top bar (desktop) or using the menu in the top right (mobile). I added more buttons to access the filters - this might help mobile users who are not aware of the menu button in the top right.

The experience is much better in a desktop or tablet browser. If you need to use a small screen device, switch to landscape instead of portrait.

Thanks all!

Excellent Site, look forward to seeing it expand :slight_smile:

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