Fire Sale combat focused 55m & 1.8m Unallocated SP character and give away some free treats

39B, that’s all I can offer. And it just worth that much

39.5 :wink:

41b offer.


If there is no more bid in 30 minutes, this character is all yours

The auction is over @Nara Gengod please sent the ISK to this character and PM me the character and ID need to transfer.

Please be advised that the pod with precious implants is at hostile null-sec (Lucky I have prepared interceptor for you), please be wise before press undock bottom.

You has 2 hours to finish the transaction and please PM me the ID so that I can proceed.

If there is no transaction it will goes to the second highest bidder.

The isk needs to go to the char being sold as per ccp rules.
you can transfer it yourself anywhere after that.

You are right, sorry I done this for the first time. My bad

ISK and account details sent. Please confirm when transfer has been initiated.

isk received, character transfer proecessing

Transfer completed. Enjoy

Please check your receipt and wait around 2 hours.

Received, thank you.

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