🎇 Firework types demonstration video series

Yeah wikis in general are more about text content and charts with images being supplementary but not a focus, rarely animated gifs but not really videos.

Personally after thinking about it I don’t even really see a place for it aside of the one you mention as creating a separate fireworks page seems redundant as it either would contain a link to the compilation video that contains all the fireworks or embedded form but nothing else really which is pointless.

It could also contain the description of each of the fireworks maybe with their in-game flavor text but that also seems pointless as one can just look through the compilation video and it’s faster and more expressive than text descriptions and the in-game flavor text can be looked up both in-game and out of it (for example through EVE Ref) so that is also pretty pointless.

So in the end having an own page for these seems unwarranted.

Thus I think what you mention including some basics and a link on the missiles page is the best possible implementation and good enough for what it is.

Maybe adding a link to the words firework and snowball (plus their plural versions) that redirects to the missile page (and the specific related chapter), I saw some such terms that have a redirect page associated.

Well as the corp is just a low tax and retirement place really aside of being useful for me personally it is beyond the scope of it to have a team formed based on it, actually the corp is about no corp duties or anything and I personally have no time for such either.

Besides I can take videos of fireworks no problem, already have some simple fireworks videos with mixed fireworks that I haven’t published yet but used one such as illustration for my EVE guide.

It is more a time and other projects taking up my time when I have some free time issue to make more firework related videos if anything.

The two fireworks missing are not (necessarily) final versions so no reason to take videos of those until the art team finalizes them, whenever that might happen. So even if taking videos of those on Thunderdome was possible I wouldn’t do it as my series is meant to represent the in-game state of the fireworks and not meant to be a historical view of how they looked at some point in time before they were final versions and added to the main server.

So in the end I think anyone could add a basic paragraph and chapter header to the missiles page as you suggested with a link to the video.

As for what else to add, maybe that they do not count as an attack (unlike in the past) when someone shoots them (so only a yellow box is shown to the target now while in the past it showed a red box but did not trigger CONCORD for example as they deal no damage and do not produce damage notification not even a 0 damage one thus no weapons nor limited engagement nor capsuleer combat timers either).

And basically that’s it, they are technically missiles that produce sound and visual effects if and when hitting their target. (Obviously the client has to have missile effects or whatever it’s called enabled for fireworks and snowballs to produce their effects. Not sure how other gfx settings affect them.)

Maybe also worth adding the tidbit that festival launchers and display launchers differ in their cycle time (the latter shoots every 20 sec while the former every 4 secs) and that there exists a structure module (large) version of the festival launcher that can be fitted on player structures which has its own (large) festival charges associated with it thus can not launch regular fireworks.

(No idea if they produce bigger effects though as I seem to recall someone saying it is the same size but no personal experience and not sure how reliable that random person was, however based on the module description one might get the impression as if it should produce larger fireworks but no idea if that’s actually the case.)

Related in-game items for reference:

Related (regular) charges: Festival Charges - EVE Online Reference

Related (large) charges: Structure Festival Charges - EVE Online Reference

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