First CSM Summit Meeting Minutes

A quote from the old forums about dynamic resources:

Jekyl Eraser: Moon and planet income should be dynamic. If there is static content players will behave static after the first war.

CCP Greyscale 2011.08.03 16:39:00
I’m still yet to be convinced about dynamic resources. We generally want players to claim space, settle down, develop it etc, and if doing so means their space becomes worthless, what’s the point? Specifically with the “random moon movement” thing, I’d also be concerned that some little corp will have claimed a dead-end constellation in the middle of nowhere and developed it, only to have a major moon appear, followed by a big alliance who turfs them out to get at the moon.

I’m not dead-set against the idea, I’ve just not seen a really good argument as to why it’s sensible.

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