First Local, Next Warp Core Stabs?

EvE is a game when N cheap items almost always beat 1 expensive.

And having escorts… What is the game you are discussing now? :thinking:

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I was going to post my thoughts on this here, but it ended up being more of a proposal than a series of thoughts, so I posted it here instead.


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Nothing against WCS, why try to reduce choice and variety in game play (they already got nerfed before).

I can see why they shouldn’t be in FW complexes (including ships with them built in), but in my experience (having played in all 4 militia) the people who don’t want to fight usually spam dscan and warp away before/just as you land anyway (so WCS were irrelevant).

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Delete WCS and all ships that can’t fight back.

Give every ship a huge cargohold.

Less diversity, less spice in life.


Sure…as long as scrams and disruptors are made chance based with limit one per ship. Fair is fair.


OMG Ive got it by Jove Ive got it

Wait for it:

Making Mining Lasers be able to destroy targetted modules.

Everybody armed!


right you are…

No, tweak the warp core stabs for fw but don’t remove them, they are a decent module and give you more module choices. Not to mention go full throttle to danger would hurt the industry types I think more than is necessary.

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Why is this discussion about making it EASIER for PVP?

The opposite should be done…

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WCS is part of pvp, its denying someone a kill (or trying to) - better planning (or bring friends) needed…

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Anyone who flies an industrial ship is essentially a sitting duck to everyone with a tackle module fitted. Their only defense is basically to out-tank whomever is shooting at them until somebody or CONCORD shows up to save them. The game is balanced by the loss of a slot for whomever fits a tackle or a stabilizer module. In addition, with the case of a PVP ship, their targeting range gets nerfed. With an indy, they either lose cargo capacity, align times, or tank by fitting a stab.

That said, my personal opinion is that T2 WCS desperately need to be buffed to +2. Alternatively in the case of industrial ships change the high slots to turret hardpoints with enough DPS so they can possibly kill small tackle ships.


Wouldn’t mind seeing a purpose designed combat industrial (transport). A Nereus can work, but that’s adaptive design not purposeful design.

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I’m okay with no stabs but give haulers the same offensive and defensive capabilities of ships of their size. T1 industrials would be like cruises and freighters would be similar to dreads or carriers. People may think twice about ganking a freighter that would launch fighters at them or the guy in a retribution might not attack an epithal if it could launch drones to defend itself. Content for everyone.


Unfortunately CCP has this tendency to look at single items at a time instead of thinking about entire systems of game play.

If we are to have PvP in the game, the hunters need targets. If the targets are going to venture out where they can be targeted, they need a rational reason to do so.

The hunter needs a reasonable expectation of success in his hunting, or he will leave and go to other games (which tens of thousands of players have already done).

The target also needs a reasonable expectation of success in his chosen activity, else again, he will leave and go to other games that provide a better experience.

So far, EVE has probably done a better job of retaining ‘targets’ (miners, explorers, mission runners, ratters, farmers, etc.) than of retaining hunters/PvPers. It certainly hasn’t done much to support real PvP: combat capable ships having good reason to attack each other. Instead, they have designed a game where most targets are sheep, and some players are wolves, and neither class is overly happy.

If they want to take WCS out, fine (although don’t mistake a bit of chat on social media for a design decision, of couse). But if they do so, they need to do it as part of an overall re-design that gives targets rational choices and reasons to go out and undertake their activities with the expectation that they won’t simply be locked down and obliterated by the first PvP-wannabe that comes along.

And PvPers need to expect that something like Warp Scramblers or other ship/module effects would also need to be adjusted to the point where a well-played defender would have a decent chance against a well-played attacker.


Hell, why not just unplug and close up shop CCP?

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I like this new Hilmar. This one actually voices opinions about the game and seems to have the right ideas.

Can we keep this Hilmar?

Stabs have their place, on industrials trying to evade gate camps, for example. But afk farmers/botters using them in combat ships is cancer.

Solution: a ship with stabs cannot activate offensive modules and drones do not auto target (so miners can still use them, but they have to manually target enemies and tell their drones to attack). . Could also make stabs reduce drone control range significantly to further hurt afk/botter fits while still allowing miners to use them as a defense tool. Finally, ships with stabs don’t advance the FW plex timer

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Yet another “gift to gankers” who constantly whine that it’s “too hard” for them to get their kills.
Literally every change made over the last couple of years has been to make it so that the gankers barely have to pause whatever other game they are playing so they can tab over to their EVE alt, press F1 once and then go brag about their KB stats.
“Waaaa - we don’t want to use slots to fit the mods to counter ECM so nerf it”.
“Waaaa - it’s too hard to catch nullified 'ceptors - nerf them !”
"Waaaa - people can see us in local so we can’t gank them easily - nerf local ! (We don’t want to go into wormholes where there is no local though - too scary and we might have to train other skills !)

“Waaaa - I don’t have time to pause my Candy Crush game, tab into my Eve alt, locate/lock/scan a freighter and decide if I should try to bump him - nerf them so that they land away from the stations and have to slow boat it to the dock so I have more time”. Oh and increase the “grid” so that we have plenty of time to see them coming.

“Waaaa - we can’t push out enough DPS to gank ships in Hisec before being concordokkened - give us glass cannon battlecruisers with no tank and BS level DPS and then give us polarized weapons so we can do more damage in ships we know we’re going to lose anyways”.
“Waaaa - it takes to long to recycle ganking alts and train them up again. Get rid of learning skills. Give us skill injectors.” (Oh and make is so we don’t have to travel anywhere to buy skill books - don’t want to have to put any effort into anything after all.)

Gankers cry the biggest tears of all it seems.

And that is what it is boiling down to. A small group of players who want to be able to gankbbqpawn everything with a single F1 click.
Anything that requires more than a single click to kill, they want nerfed.
Anything that requires effort they want nerfed.

Let us not forget that the CSM’s ENTIRE argument about nerfing ECM was that it was “oppressive” and “couldn’t be countered” - which was total BS (and you know it but nerfed it anyways).

Stabs are the counter to warp disruptors/scrams. Are you going to nerf those then, as they would also be “oppressive” and “couldn’t be countered” (by people who simply don’t want to fit the mods to do so).

Oh right, “those” people like their disruptors/scrams so somehow they aren’t oppressive. Even though they work automatically once you get the lock, unlike the chance based ECM mods.
Even though once you have someone scrammed/disrupted, they stay that way, unlike the ECM mods that can lose their jam every cycle.

Funny how ECM that is chance based and can be countered is “oppressive and can’t be countered” while you are contemplating removing the counter to warp scrams/disruptors which would make them even more oppressive and would have NO counter at all.

May as well nerf Focused Warp Disruption scripts while you are at it. Apparently it takes too much effort to fit those on HICs.
Better to just nerf the Stabs instead.
Don’t want to drowned in all those ganker tears after all.


Its called use a hic if your so sour about someone with stabs that was nerfed to were your useless without them. Be glade they got nerfed, back in my day you ran around low sec in a full combat ship farming isk with stabs, no hic to stop you, no nerf to stop you. after the nerf you have what we have now and you got a counter to nerfs, get rid of stabs and you have to redo HICs that would be pointless anywhere but null and wormholes. next you all will be aiming for cloaks and the recon ships that dont appear on dscan.

You null’secers cant afford some better disruptors or stasis? Lololololololol